Ascending Spring

Hi Ascending Friends!

I heard from some people by email – alas, the comments system is still not right, thanks to you who tried, we are working on it! – but I was happy to hear from those by email that they felt and saw the energy and aura shift on the planet after last weeks work!!  I am pleased to be asked to work with those in spirit and in earth who are helping our world be reborn into the new world; and the people, creatures and life forms who inhabit her to ascend as well.

This spring the new world is coming to focus in a much more substantial way than previously.  The old world is still here in, us and for our planet; but the new world is almost as strong as the old world overall, and it is already stronger on the spiritual levels!  I am so excited to share this with you!

The old world energies, still don’t realize that the new world is going to be stronger than the old very soon.  The old world only sees itself and its own goals and agendas.  But all life is created by spirit and since the new world spiritual energies have already shifted to the point of being stronger, it is merely a matter of time for the physical experience to change as well.  The physical experience is slower to shift than spirit, but what happens in spirit defines the physical reality.  The new world is here and growing stronger every day!

Today I was asked to invite you to see yourself as a tree.  Meditate on what kind of tree holds the strengths and qualities that will help you actualize yourself more fully.  Then let yourself imagine you are that kind of tree, with the deep roots, strong trunk and leafing branches that help you to be whole and strong in your life.

Let the roots of your tree be anchored into the beautiful, new world earth; thus planting you firmly into the clearest manifestation of earth that exists.  Let your branches reach up to the new world sun and receive the light of unconditional love to feed you.  Then you are supported from above and below and nourished like a tree.  Feel your strong trunk being as wide as your arms can reach in every direction and your bark providing protection and defining you as the sovereign being within your own body and aura.  Welcome your own true self to live within your body and aura and to direct your life in harmony and wisdom with your true purpose.

I am rejoicing in the rebirth of our world from the beautiful new flowers and leaves I am seeing to the increased potency of unconditionally loving life in our new world experience!

Have a wonderful week dear friends!  Love and Blessings, Eve

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