Healing for Politics and Addictions

Hi Ascending Friends!

Big shifts this week!!! Wow!  Mercury Retrograde is being so helpful! In my healing treatments and my work for the planet this week I have experienced some remarkable changes for all of us.

The first big healing shift had to do with the blocks in people’s souls that make them incapable of compassionate behavior; making them selfish, contentious or cruel.  It tied in with the political stuff that is happening in this country right now.  What I saw was a huge softening of that hard and uncaring energy around the whole world!  Though I still see places where it is very stuck and will take time to resolve, I feel people will be able to grow into a more loving attitude and comprehension!

The second had to do with addictions, and the self-destructive or violent things people will do, when under the influence of addictive substances, relationships, or the power and money issues those bring.  In multiple healing sessions with different people yesterday, I saw these things being influenced by unconditional love and filled with the pure, spiritual raw material (I call this The Holy Spirit), that is creating the new world.  This pure energy is filled with intelligence and truth.  Over time this will help people to release those negative addictions, and awaken to the truth within them.

People have also been having more success healing grief and overcoming fear.  Good things to let go of so we can increasingly know our truth and raise our vibration into the new world experience!

I thank you for reading these posts.  It is good for my soul to share this with you!  Please give the link to comment below a try if you would like, I know it wasn’t working, but hope it is now!  Or email me if you prefer.  Also share this with folks if it pleases you to do so 🙂

Love and blessings on your own ascension process this week!  Eve

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