Summer Inspiration

Hello Ascending Friends!

The energy on the planet, during the summer, calls us into a greater fluidity and freedom of spirit.  It causes our souls to expand, beyond the structures of our ego and will.  In a state of spiritual release, we integrate more fully the higher vibrations of spirit, where we meet our own higher truth.  There we receive seeds of spiritual awareness and purpose, that will grow within us throughout the coming year.

In Rudolph Steiner’s Calendar of the Soul, which talks about the soul’s evolution week by week throughout the year, this week’s verse (translated by Michael Brewer) speaks to this experience:

Forgetful of my will’s identity,

The warmth of worlds, announcing summer, fills

My soul – and spirit-being;

To lose myself in light

Commands me now my spirit vision,

And forcefully divining tells me:

Let go yourself, to find yourself.

So if you find yourself feeling lazy or spacy, rather than pushing yourself to fill every moment with worldly purposes, let your heart open, and welcome the wisdom and love of your higher self.  Feel that integrate into your body and soul; and be enriched.

There is a season and a reason for everything.  Summer is precious and special, enjoy it!  It is a gift to help your ascension!

The changes that are happening in spirit, and taking root within our human experience and our planet this past week, have been enormous!  I will try to talk more about them when I feel free to do so.  But for now, know that really great things are happening, despite the obvious problems in our world.  I am excited to be here with you during this time, when the new world is being born on Earth.

August 25th begins 6 healing and ascension sessions.  Spend 2 hours a month to integrate your Higher Self into unity with your human self, and help our world ascend!  Every 4th Thursday from 7:30 – 9:30 – Monthly Ascension Support Class!  Cost is $50 per class by phone, Skype or in person, and supports your experience all month. Do yourself a favor, you are worth it! Contact me through my website – to reserve your spot!

Have a wonderful week, dear friends!  Love, Eve

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