Truth and Lies

Wherever you are today, you are further along the path to ascension than yesterday; there are many steps to take on this journey, so plan to enjoy the process!

The old world is built of lies.  It tells you that you are not good enough, not wise enough or spiritual enough; all lies!  The new world is entered as you are able to disown the lies and stand in your truth, despite them.

The truth of you is that you are God.  God in you disguised itself at the beginning of the old world experience; your job now is to break through the disguise, to uncover the core of truth within you.

Your truth is a seed planted within you, it isn’t a thought or a belief, it is a reality.  You help that reality grow each time you stand up to the lies of inadequacy and separation from God, and the temptation to undervalue yourself and give your power away.

In the new world, each person owns the authority of their own facet of God.  We become wholly ourselves.  From that state we realize that each person has within them what they need to be whole, and we stop trying to rescue others, or make them out to be better than ourselves.  We work together to accomplish joint goals and help out others where it is truly our job.  However, we don’t diminish ourselves or others by making others better than they are or less than they are.  Each one is a facet of God.

As we ascend, we begin to notice how we give our power away.  We learn to recognize the lies that we are told by those who wish to use our power.  The old world invites us to deny our truth in order to find meaning through the exchange of power with others – either to rescue or to idolize.  Choosing to do neither of those, but instead to find the inner resources to live our truth in each moment, we can reclaim our power and step into the new world.

To help us own our truth, I have a statement that helps a great deal!  It is one that brings us into center, in our clearest focus of truth available in each moment.  I use it a lot:

The Essence of Truth of God is within me, and I am within the Essence of Truth of God

The essence of truth indicates the clearest, truest focus we can access at the given time.  Therefore it grows clearer and stronger as we ascend!  It accesses that One Source beyond the definitions of religion; it goes straight to that truth and oneness that exists at the core of all life.

Using this statement, speak it from your heart, or your belly, or from within any feeling of illness, inadequacy, doubt, fear, judgment or negative old world experience.  It will tune you to your new world self and focus your power.  From that place it becomes clearer what is right for you, and what is really not in your best interest.  You will find the wisdom, best words, clearest direction…whatever is needed for you on your journey.

You are the Essence of Truth of God, everything else is an illusion and a lie.  Know your truth and choose it again and again.  You will get better at it as you ascend!

I love you and wish you joy and fulfillment in each moment of your journey!  This month through my social networking I have a $10 off coupon for relationship healing.  I extend that to you as well!  Any kind of relationship is eligible for this discount!  Love yourself and be loved!  You are worth it, dear friends!  Have a blessed week,  Eve

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