Solstice Week Big Changes

The higher vibration influences through the sun this solstice week, have helped with  several of the planetary healing and ascension projects I have been working on.  I am practically breathless with all the extra work and excitement!  Below is a partial listing of what is going on:

  • Rebuilding of the first layer of the aura of the planet.  This layer is where our earth generates energy, and transmits it to where it is needed within the physical body of the planet.  This healing initiated an overall recharge, which will help provide energy needed for the environment, to withstand the challenges people have placed on it, and for necessary healing to happen.
  • I just began seeing the beneficial effects of earlier work this year, that welcomed the Essence of Truth of God to take charge of toxic levels of bacteria and viruses.  These include candida, mold, fungus, and blood born illnesses carried by stinging and biting insects.  These toxic states are beginning to come into a purposefully guided role within our ascension process, so that they will only be able to affect us to the degree that it is needed and helpful; rather than being out of control destructive.  I am now seeing people showing up in my practice who’s bacteria levels are clearly being guided from a higher level.  The diseases are challenging them enough to help them see things clearly they would have missed otherwise, but only as much as is helpful; and when they are no longer needed, it will be much easier to resolve any imbalances and health issues.  This also means that when it is time for someone to leave the planet, they may still choose this means to do so, for now at least.
  • I won’t try to explain the mechanics of this next item, but would like to try to communicate the essence of it.  At the deepest levels of our soul, all beings experienced a wound, like a great tear in our true essence, that separated us from the state of unity with The One Source, of which we are innately a part.  This wound is in process of healing and with it is healing the darkest levels of human and planetary experience and memory.  The deepest physical, psychological and spiritual wounds, caused by our period of separating and individuating during the old world, will begin to heal more rapidly now.
  • The above healings will initially be strongest here in the United States, but will ultimately reach everyone and everywhere on earth.  I think this is significant.  We can so easily be discouraged by the poor behavior of our elected representatives, and by greedy and power hungry people, that we forget what a great place this is to live in.  Please join me in loving and blessing this country and this world.  Let us forgive the old world energies, and appreciating that we have what we need to realize our potential despite them, or even because of them.  Opposition can hone us and bring our truth to focus; if we don’t let it overwhelm us, or choose to quit because of it.  All those of true heart and willing mind and soul, remember how important you are!

Please join us as we create healing and ascension meditations for our world, and all who live on it!  You can be of service, in a very enjoyable way!  The Monthly Ascension Support Class begins August 25.  Every 4 weeks on Thursday from 7:30 – 9:30 for 6 classes, we initiate healing and change.  Working with each participant’s soul contracts and connections, we untangle old world contracts and obstructions, and open the way to easier ascension for everyone!  Class helps participants have a smoother, more peaceful and joyful journey of ascension, gives tools to empower, and ease our daily experience; and helps our world as well. Contact me or through my website, using the link above, to register!  The cost is $50 per class and participants may choose to continue after 6 classes if they desire it.

I ask the Archangels and Healing and Ascension Teams in spirit, to hold us all in love this week, helping us heal and ascend with grace and ease.  Love and Blessings, Eve

P.S.  Thanks for sharing this post via social media or email links with those who would benefit by it!  Eve

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