
Higher Self, mind, emotion and body….integration….getting it all together – ascension is all about that!

Have you ever watched a child or young animal grow over time?  It is amusing to notice how they go to bed looking one way, and the very next morning something has changed! It could be their nose, or their feet, their weight, or their height; but overnight something has grown!  Or how an adolescent grows so fast they trip over their feet because their legs grew so fast!  Until now in our evolution, we have been growing in spurts like that, and because of that our integration is often a bit off.  Some people have very strong minds, but their bodies are neglected.  Some have strong bodies, but their emotions are not developed.  Some people have strong spirits, but feel too vulnerable in the world…in other words, very few of us are integrated and balanced.

Ascension is a process of unifying all parts of our selves under the focus of our true and eternal Being.  This Being is spiritual; and all the other components of our selves are designed to house and serve that true self.  It is our own unique facet of Oneness, or God.

During the ascension process, we are like that growing child; whatever part of us needs to be enlarged to accommodate our next stage of ascension will do so.  When it does, a new level of our higher intelligence will begin to integrate into our experience of living.  As this new level of our true Being arrives in the world, things will shift in our experience.  Where we have always done things one way, we may find ourselves making choices and acting in ways that are unexpected, and surprising to us and those who know us well.  We become a new person, ready to explore our potential in new and promising ways.  These changes will emerge from deep within us, and will be timely and surprisingly appropriate; they are not invented arbitrarily.  We will know them because they grow on us, like the nose on our face, unavoidable and true.

This period of growth on our planet, is not one where we can count on consistency and old fashioned security – where we could create our life and stay one way until it ended.  It is a time of change, growth and transformation.  It is best to be prepared to flow with the changes and trust the emerging strength of our true selves, integrating increasingly into our lives.  It brings that increased wisdom and intelligence that we can rely on to guide us, day by day as we ascend.

Over time, your true self will be what you identify with, and every aspect of yourself will be in harmony with the purpose of that eternal Being, as it flows and expresses through you and your life.  Your mind and heart will be focused and directed from within, and not influenced by other people’s judgments or doubts.  Your body will be a comfortable home for your eternal spirit to enjoy and express through.

Meditation: I welcome the Essence of Truth of my Higher Self to live within my body, emotions and mind and to guide my life.

Thank you for sharing this post in whatever ways you like to do that!

Love and blessings on your journey of life and ascension this week dear friends,  Eve

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