
Today I was asked to take the day off from seeing clients, in order to support work in progress for planetary ascension.  I spent the day paddling the Huron River in a Kayak, up in the Proud Lake Recreation Area, which seemed like a perfect way to work with the planet.  This is an amazingly vibrant section of the river – it is young there, and clean and the earth energy is rich.

As I paddled out of the rental area, straight ahead of me, where their canal tees into the river, were two Sandhill Cranes!  These huge birds have the sweetest spirits!  The calls they make as they fly in to roost in the evening, carry a direct line to the Cosmic Christ energy at its source.  The Cosmic Christ is the seed of enlightenment that is planted within each element of creation.  It is at the core of each human being, calling us home to unity, wisdom and unconditional love.  It is not a religious thing and not dependent on belief, it simply is a part of all life.

The experience of the Cosmic Christ is sometimes called freedom, but I didn’t think of it at that point.  It wasn’t until much later, when I emerged from an hour of simple blissfulness from so much beauty around me, and remembered to ask what we were supposed to do for the planet this afternoon, that I got the message.  Ascended Master St. Germaine gave me the one word:  Freedom…and I began to meditate on that.

I asked, freedom in what way?  I got: freedom from the old world experience!  I liked that!  When someone works so hard on healing something, as I do with the old world structures that limit us, one can begin to identify with the process of overcoming.  This statement said to me accept the state of being free of that, and don’t get lost in the overcoming of it!  This felt very freeing!

I asked, if we are free of the old world experience, what are we experiencing then? And was told: wholeness… Freedom to be whole.  Wholeness is definitely an element of the new world experience.

Please help me this week by being willing to experience freedom from the old world experience, and freedom to be whole.  Ask for this, meditate on what these ideas mean to you, be open to the new world as it is available to you each day and each night.  This will help us all to be focused on what is emerging into our world, and diminish the darkness and pull of the old world on our hearts, minds and souls!

I love you all and am grateful that you are present, increasingly in the new world, here on Earth!

There are two spots still available for August 25th to begin the next series of six, Monthly Ascension Support Classes.  Is one of them yours?  Also, there is a $10 off coupon for pet healings during August!  You can reach me through my website, via the link at the top of this page.  There is a contact Eve link on the site.

Have a wonderful week my friends! Love and Blessings, Eve

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