Breaking Out!

Life requires huge steps in new directions, during this passage of  ascension!  Here are some ways to break out of old world habits, and birth a new freedom of self-identity.

Those of you familiar with my work, may believe that I spend most of my time communicating telepathically with people, plants, animals, spirit beings and God; or using spiritual vision and intuition, to seek the core of truth and the directions for change.  And you would be right about that!  When I need to break out, I close all that stuff down and let myself be ordinary human for a while!  This helps me to make room for a new perspective and change!

Most people’s direction of ascension invites them to break out of ordinary human identity, and invest time and energy exploring their new world capacities, of intuition, telepathy, and spiritual vision!  All of us who are ascending will be gaining these spiritual gifts, as a part of our ordinary experience in the new world.  It is be helpful to practice and test these abilities, to discover what we can do today, that we couldn’t do a week ago!

There are many opportunities in each day, to know things that can only be known through intuition, and so many circumstances that can benefit by telepathic communication!  Some people may need to grow these abilities some, to even realize they have them!  Below are a few suggestions for practicing:

  • Think of someone you are close to, but haven’t seen recently.  Center on your feeling self, and let your love for them become a field of energy between you and them.  Then inquire through your feeling self about how they are doing today ~ overall, or in regard to some circumstance in their lives.  Afterward, call or text them, and I expect you will already know what they have to say about their self and their life.
  • Where there are conflicts or potential conflicts with others, try telepathy to open the way for understanding and clear resolution.  First get peaceful and connected to your Higher Self or God.  Then from your heart, send your message to the other’s Higher Self with loving intent,( it can be accessed above their head between one and several feet up, depending on how connected they are) explain what you feel will help to promote understanding and avoid conflict.  Stay with them for a few minutes and be open to impressions or telepathic messages back from them.  Converse until it feels done, then release them completely. Ask for love from the Source to surround the situation.  I believe you will find this helps a great deal.  You can do it several times if necessary for them to open to you, but wait a couple of days between.  Let your message be truthful, but kind; avoid telepathic yelling, it usually creates hurt feelings.
  • Talk and listen through your feeling self, telepathically to your pets.  Try it with the trees that touch you, the ones that feel wise and loving.  Try it with the plants in your garden.  Not everyone has something to say, so if one doesn’t respond, try another!  Be heartful and loving and let the answers come as feelings, words or images.
  • Meditate in advance on the best route to take to an intended destination.  This works best when you aren’t in a hurry.  First, pull up a map, and looking at the choices, ask yourself, which way feels like it will be the better choice.  This exercise presumes you don’t already know what is under construction for this trip.  Go into your feeling self, and imagine yourself arriving at your destination, after traveling each of the given routes.  Which one feels best to you?  You might feel frustration or discomfort at certain points along a potential route.  Later you might check on the road construction website, to see if what it says fits with your intuitive sense of the trip.  Even if it doesn’t, you might ask yourself why is my choice the best way to go?  You might have a sense that it is best despite the reports of construction!  Trust your intuition if you dare and see if you were right!  Even if you are wrong, you will learn from your mistakes and next time will understand your intuitive senses more clearly for the experience.

These are just a few ideas for you to try.  You can use intuition for most things and with some practice find it saves a lot of time and difficulty!  Remember that intuition comes through a holographic feeling sense, not just from your mind.  Your mind is a part of that and helpful; but if you try to be intuitive in your rational mind alone, you will find it very ineffective!

To further break out of your old world experience, do something out of the box, that feels fresh and true to yourself.  This allows space for necessary shifts to occur.  A life that is too familiar and regimented will block changes, requiring life to force changes for you, and no one likes that.  So make some space for the new, unexpected and spiritually enriching in your days and nights.  You could try dancing with the lights out when you are alone, or allow a sound or chant to come through you to release emotions, opening you to life.  You could sit quietly in the beauty of nature, or take a walk with no destination in mind.  These types of personal, quiet times make room for your Higher and more intuitive Self to move you in the directions life intends for you.

$10 off coupon for pet healings is available all this month!  Rescue pets and those who seem stressed can become calm and enjoy their lives more.  Physical problems are often resolved more easily and inexpensively than by traditional care.  Visit my website and contact me that way, to find out if I can help your special friend!

May you experience a new freedom of spirit this week, my friends!  Love and Blessings, Eve

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