Solar Eclipse ~ Coming Home

The solar eclipse today (visible over Africa) allows us to see ourselves and our world with more clarity wherever we are on Earth.  It mutes the shadows and reflections giving us a unique view of what hides in our unconscious, and also the things we hide from ourselves and each other, that need to be addressed from a higher perspective so they can clear, heal or ascend.  The unique, fiery light of the sun which shines around the edges of the moon during an annular eclipse, like the one today, effects us in a particular way.  It helps us stand apart from the illusions of the old world, and recall more strongly our individual true identity, as a unique part of the spiritual Oneness of life.

During the eclipse, I saw the old world gunk, coming to the surface of our world to be cleared.  It appeared to me in an interesting way, like looking through the layers of a person’s skin at the pores.  Some of the pores were plugged with old hurts, fears and toxic energies, and they were rising through the skin and emerging to be washed away, like black heads, white heads and the more challenging ones like pimples.  The true light of life was cleansing away that old gunk, just like a person cleansing their skin!  Some of the pores needed a little help to clear, so I worked with that, assisting with extra love, gratitude and forgiveness where needed. (Apologies for the graphic images here, it was useful to me, so I thought I would share it with you too!)

Over the next few days the influence of the eclipse will continue to support this process for people.  So take advantage of this time to work with the things that are coming up for you, that need a little help to clear!  Where there is hurt, anger, fear, jealousy, hatred, judgment or hopelessness, you will have a stronger connection with your true self to work things out.  Gratitude and forgiveness are the strongest tools of love for healing the past.

Below is one of my favorite affirmative statements to help this kind of clearing.  You say this from your heart, belly and root to the situations of past, present or future where you need to own your true power:

~ All you are is God, you can’t hurt me, you can only make me stronger; thank you for being my teacher!

We are all eternal, safe and unbreakable in spirit.  Certainly our human self can experience hurt, but in the long, spiritual view, everything is for your growth.  To the degree things are difficult, you are strong enough to overcome them.  It is your own true strength that these challenges assist you to own…strength of spirit and of soul.

Through our old world contracts, we were given oppositional circumstances in order to build our soul potentials, which I call soul muscles.  In the new world our true self increasingly incarnates into those potentials within us.  During this process all old suffering is healed, and the new world is born through our experience.

During the month of September I am offering $10 off adult healing and ascension treatments.  You can contact me through my website to schedule ~

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I am inviting the powers of unconditional love, on your behalf, to support your ascension this week!  Love and Blessings Always, Eve

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