Belated Post – Big Projects

Hi Ascending Friends!

I was so busy working with the ascension process last Thursday that it appears I never got a post out to you!  Please accept my apology!  I always write on Thursday so it is there for you on Friday morning, but Thursday is also the day I teach the Monthly Ascension Support Class.  This past Thursday, my preparation for class kept being punctuated by huge ascension projects that were just ripe for working with, that demanded my attention!  I spent the whole day between the two focusses, and didn’t finish working until 11:00 PM.  I fully thought I had written the post and sent it out…Thank you to Pat for letting me know I didn’t!

Okay, so here is what was happening!

There was some very old energy systems in place to compel people to be loyal to old world ideals that support other people’s agendas, and those goals which support particular organizations.  This has kept people’s intuitive and creative life force tied up with mundane goals, instead of growing with their individual spiritual goals.  I have been picking away at those influences for several years now.  Thursday I felt a huge release of those binding and limiting forces.  I observed the forces of unconditional love bringing in freedom and Holy Spirit, to strengthen people’s Higher Self and Inner Wisdom as guiding forces in our lives.

There was a much deeper healing of the water on the planet.  Thursday it was the rivers, streams and lakes, protecting them from and limiting the influence of industrial chemicals, fertilizers and pollution, which has tremendously increased the amount of water plants and algae.  Then today, there was work done for the ocean, helping that powerful force ascend into relationship with its’ true Higher Power; to be healed of toxic states physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually, and to serve the higher good increasingly.

Today we also worked with healing the influence of the companies that (GMO) genetically modify our foods, and their toxic bi-products as well.  This is the first strong work I have been invited to do with this, though it is a direction I have been asking to be able to work with for some time.  I am excited to be allowed to begin this process.

The October issue of the Body Mind Spirit Guide will carry an article from me which talks about how working with the spiritual influences changes our reality, as part of the ascension process.  You can pick that up in the store, or read it in the online version.  The link on the website should get you to the online magazine.  Hopefully it will be posted right away, if not you could ask them to post it.

Thanks for your patience with me last week!  Better late than never 🙂

May the unconditionally loving forces of life support you in living your truth this week!  Love and Blessings, Eve

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