Nurturing the New World

Hi Everyone!

This week has seen amazing shifts again!

Looking at the world as a Healing & Ascension Worker, I sometimes see all the positive shifts, and sometimes I see so much that needs to change, that it can feel daunting.  Fortunately, there is a bigger plan in place and I just need to help, I don’t need to understand or be in charge of that.  I just do my part.

So this week I had some moments of feeling daunted, which fortunately led me to try something new (that is how it usually works!).  The upshot of what happened was that I felt very strongly connected with the spiritual soul of our planet, which is always a delight.  This connection allowed me to work with strengthening the true soul of the world so that she can exert a greater influence within her physical body, helping it to ascend.  Through her, I was able to perceive how she perceives the condition of her body the Earth.  This led to understanding what steps to take next to help.  We worked with spirit of all oceans, to strengthen their true identity and nurture their soul.  This was amazingly potent and exciting.  We did the same with the rivers as well.  Then we nurtured the trees in a similar way (I so love the trees!!! They have the ability to carry such powerfully loving intelligence as they mature and ascend).  In all of these instances, we were strengthening their true spiritual self, within the physical world, so that they can bring true Higher Intelligence and unconditional love into the body of the planet.  This increased presence of truth will be able to forgive and heal the toxic states caused by our human behaviors on the planet.

The influence of this work initiates change in the energy bodies of the Earth, building spiritual substance and strength of true self.  This increased true energy allows the ascension process to happen more rapidly and easily.  So less breaking down and more ascending!  As the planet ascends, the true soul of the world will have more and more influence, and the Higher Power will be able to partner with her more fully.

Within each person, there is present an individual focus of true self, growing like a seed of enlightenment and unconditional love. (I often call this their personal Christ Self, but you could call it Buddha or another name if you prefer.  Please don’t let a term that is shared with the religious community confuse you about what I am talking about here, or get in the way of what is true and real.  Find a term you prefer.  But know this is a pure seed of wholeness, wisdom and freedom of spirit within you!

Nurture this seed, as you would a beloved child.  Live your life with awareness of loving and making room for it in your life.  Whatever you do, let it be done in such a way that the truth within you can feel at home in the world and loved.  Make time to love and enjoy each circumstance in some way; relax and play more, even for brief moments throughout your day.  In doing so you generate spiritual energy and substance which allows this inner truth to grow stronger and live more fully in your body and life.  This is the personal version of  what I was working with for the planet.  It will help you too!

Remember there is a $10 off coupon with this post for all Healing & Ascension treatments this month!  Let me know if you want to schedule for yourself, your family or your beloved pets!  The benefits are enormous and the process is gentle.  Long distance or in person, makes no difference.  Kids and pets are usually long distance…so much easier for them!

Much love and blessings on your week my friends!  Eve

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