Full Moon Adventure Within

Sunday is the full moon, whose energy this month is fulfillment of true purpose!  The moon pulls on our unconscious and emotions, and so that is where the work she brings needs to be done.  Working with this facilitates our growth and ascension!

We have a direct access to our unconscious self through the process of sleep.  There are three distinct places where we can gather information during your sleep cycles.  Two of these bookend our night’s rest.  In that period between sleep and waking we may receive images, ideas or words that inspire us to make choices that align our will with our true purpose.  These messages may relate directly to immediate circumstances we are facing in our life, or be relevant to a larger purpose working out.

The third element of our sleep is dreaming.  Every time we sleep we enter into our unconscious self, where we are immersed in a combination of feelings, instincts and intuition and where those link to our Higher Self.  The work of our dream time is to resolve old issues and prepare us to meet the opportunities that are emerging in our lives for the fulfillment of our true purpose. This process works more powerfully when we become conscious of our dreams and actively work with the gifts they offer.  Once you develop the relationship with our true self through our dreams we can then begin lucid dreaming.  That is where we become conscious within our dreams and begin to make choices and exercise true potential, thereby using our sleep as an amazing opportunity for self-mastery.

Our dreams are usually most potent around the full moon, because the energy of the moon draws on our unconscious self.  We can make use of this opportunity with the full moon coming on Sunday, to pay attention to our dreams and see what are Higher Self is trying to work out through our dream time!

If you aren’t someone who remembers your dreams, it doesn’t mean you aren’t dreaming!  It may be that you sleep so soundly though, that you are unaware of them.  You can develop your awareness by deliberately seeking your dreams.  Below are some suggestions:

1- As you prepare for sleep, think about wanting to remember your dreams.  Open your heart to your sleeping self and tell it that you want it to bring your dreams to your awareness as you return to consciousness from sleep.

Place a pad and pencil by your bed, or if you are someone who gets up to go to the bathroom, by the toilet.  Then, any time you are awake during the night, or in the morning when you awaken, you can make notes of your dreams.

3- Hold onto the atmosphere that you awaken with, it is a feeling in your heart and body, that carries the echoes of your dreams.  Paying attention to that atmosphere, images, feelings and memories will begin to emerge.  Remembering your dreams is not something you can do by focusing your mind on them, because they exist in your feeling self.  Or in other words, stay with your feelings, and let the memories develop, like a picture emerging in the chemical bath of the developing process ( a bit old school, but apt ).  Active thinking is different than remembering.  Remembering is something that arises from within when you make space for it.

4- https://www.edgarcayce.org/the-readings/dreams/dream-dictionary  Here is a link to Edgar Casey’s Dream Dictionary.  It has a downloadable app too if you want!  It will give you an excellent range of interpretations for any symbology your dreams self uses!  Your unconscious speaks to you in symbols that only you can interpret, but this dictionary gives you a lot of different interpretations, so the chance of your own being in there is higher than if there was only one.  Still your dreams may be comprehensive, so it may be that you have to work through the whole dream, rather than breaking it down just into symbols.  Again, focus on the feeling sense of your dream, and allow the understanding to rise up to consciousness.

5- The relationship of your conscious self with your dream self is one that needs to be nurtured and developed, like any relationship.  If you have neglected your dreams and feelings self, it may take a while to open the doors of communication.  But your feeling self wants you to pay attention, so when you do, it will be eager to build this relationship with you.  Your investment will be rewarding, when you begin to encounter the depth and power of these healing messages and integrate their gifts into your life!

As a healer, I work with the unconscious and higher conscious of my clients.  All of my work is rather like dream interpretation, utilizing the symbols and feelings that I receive from the person.  The power and richness of our dreams is quite amazing and I hope you will continue to develop this relationship for yourself!  I will also remind you that you can receive $10 off a treatment with me for the rest of October!  Just remind me of this coupon when we meet.  You can email me through my website http://spiritualhealers.com to schedule.

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