Pre-Election Ascension Work

I learned in an earlier election that I had to make sure that any spiritual work I did around its outcome was in harmony with the path our country had to take for its optimal growth, learning and the fulfillment of karmic contracts.  At that time I resisted the inevitable and the more I resisted, the worse the situation seemed to get!  So I have been very cautious in how I responded to the current election season, and all of the polarized dynamics and disputatious attitudes being thrown around!  However, I had to learn another thing in this election, which is that when life wants my help around this process, it is all right for me to work on it; I just need to keep my personal agendas under control so I don’t become part of the problem.  It is really like doing any healing treatment, its just with family, friends, our country and our planet, that I am required to work extra hard to stay clear and unconditionally loving.  That means double and triple checking that I am not pushing my agenda, but following the intentions I receive from the highest levels of Oneness.

There is much that I can’t talk about regarding the work I was required to do for this election.  However, I will say that I am extremely grateful that I was required to help, because it was a privilege to assist on the levels I was able to.  I see good things happening for all of us as a result on levels that effect our lives in every way.

One aspect of this work which I can to discuss, is possibly the biggest level of change I experienced in this work. It is a bit hard to explain without going into too much explicit detail, but I am going to try to explain it in layman’s terms:

There is a type of old world energy structural system, which was used to create limitation and separation from wholeness and unity for the old world journey.  It appears to be a spiritual type of metal formed into girders and plates, kind of like metal support system on which large buildings are built, but with more variety of form.  These energies are spiritual, so you don’t see them physically. It used to be that you couldn’t see them spiritually either, because they were hidden within the overall structure of the old world illusion.

As we have ascended these systems and structures have become more apparent to our spiritual perceptions.  Ways you will have encountered these in your life might include:  people or circumstances whose energy is like an invisible wall you keep running into and can’t seem to penetrate or effect, people who are insensitive to others in the extreme, who can be hateful and not seem to feel bad about it, institutions like government, industry and the legal system where your opinion or what is right for you, doesn’t seem to matter, the energy of war and of money.  In many of these situations the metallic energy system is contracted to create obstructions.  We may feel angry, fearful, judged, hopeless, helpless, limited, restricted, or frustrated by these energies as they are hidden within the affairs of our lives and even within our own bodies and souls.

As we have ascended to higher vibrations increasingly, these systems have become more bothersome to us.  We no longer accept limitation as inevitable, we know that there is something wrong about it.  We also have begun feeling the influence of these restrictions in our bodies.  We may feel stiff, sore or achy during times when we are working some of these energies out of our system.  During this current transition, you may experience some clearing emotionally, mentally and spiritually as well.  There could be a feeling of sadness, irritation or tiredness as this old structures leave, until the new energy is more fully in place.  What helps with this are taking a bath with 2 cups sea salt, or a 1/2 cup in a foot soak.  Relaxing and not pushing yourself, making time to open your heart and let go of whatever is coming up for you.  Meditate on gratitude.  Receive a healing & ascension treatment.

The old world metallic type energy systems made a huge shift within the past week, as I worked on smoothing the election process so it can work out as well as possible at this time. I was amazed when I perceived the structures crumbling in mass, and releasing the spiritual essences they have previously controlled, which then began to ascend.  I have been working with these energies for years, but this is the first time I observed a massive clearing like this!

What is now being freed, is in process of being rebirthed to the next level of ascension.  What I expect will come from this shift is a new sense of freedom, purpose and power within people.  Where government, authority figures, finance, employers, rigid judgments and limitations in our lives and our world created hopeless obstacles for people; there will increasingly be new options, ideas, and ways of accomplishing what is needed in our lives and world. What was impossible will become possible; still challenging, but we will find within us the means of making things work out for the greater good.

Thank you for reading this and sharing it if it feels good to do so!  Join me my social media list to receive my Monday Prayer and Wednesday Meditation and coupons for classes and healings!

May your week be blessed with hope, freedom and courage my friends!  Love, Eve

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