Ascension Viruses Are Good!

For some time now, I have been aware that viruses are acting as ascension instigators.  I had the opportunity this week to learn more about that interesting process which is uncomfortable but very effective!

The stomach flu that has been going around gave me the opportunity to investigate this phenomena in two people.  What I learned was very beneficial, and had a certain commonality in the purposes it served for them.  I believe however, that the virus would probably also address different issues for different people who had it.

Investigating with these two individuals this is what I found:

The virus was breaking open places in their hearts (the feeling self, not the organ) that had been damaged through relationships with their mothers in childhood.  The damage appeared in the energy system as a block, preventing elements of each of these people from developing.  It appeared as though the effected aspects had short circuited and melted, like electrical equipment that is faulty would.  The worst spots looked dark and empty, burned right through. The virus entered these areas and broke them open so that the person’s Higher Self could enter and redesign these parts to be able to heal, mature ascend and integrate into the wholeness of the self for each of these people.  I was told that they would be able to release the negative influence from their mothers now so they could integrate more of their own true self.

The extended nature of the virus, with in one case, repeated periods of illness, and in both cases a slow recovery with a lot of weakness and need for rest, related to the deeper healing that was taking place, and the time needed for that.

One interesting aspect of this healing, which I have observed with other healing and ascension work effecting early childhood, was that the newly repaired aspect of self needs to have time to mature so it is able to function in harmony with a person’s most evolved self.  This maturing can happen as quickly as a matter of weeks, but in the short term people can find themselves reacting immaturely.  They may be more frustrated, judgmental or temperamental than usual.  Think of it as passing through early childhood and needing to learn to respond maturely and effectively to life!  It helps to allow your more mature self to teach this part of yourself through self-talk and self- forgiveness and kindness; as you would with a beloved child.  Be kind to yourself as you heal and mature.

Couple’s take advantage of the $10 coupon for couple’s healings in February!  Heal your inner children and connect more with your Higher Selves so you can love each other more.

It appears that my Email Eve link on the website is temporarily malfunctioning, so feel free to email me at

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