Healing Feminine Power

The ascension work I am highlighting today is one very remarkable piece of many this week.  It started with the unusual circumstance of having several woman at once in my healing practice who are contending with breast cancer or other breast issues.  This awareness led me to inquire if the time was right to do some healing and ascension work for the feminine power.  I was invited to work with this not just for people and our planet but for the cosmos, and it was one of the most potent shifts I have felt in my work.  It almost felt like when a balloon blown up to its maximum size is released to whoosh intensely and quickly deflate.  Doing this work was intense and rocked me deeply, but was so quick that I hardly know how to describe what occurred.  Time will surely tell.  But what I can talk about is the issues behind breast cancer and that will help you to understand the directions this healing is taking.

Breast cancer is a disease which comes through the female hereditary line and soul group carrying attitudes of self- sacrifice beyond what is appropriate.  There is an element to it which says that the woman is not important except as a vehicle for the satisfaction and fulfillment of the needs of others.  Ultimately it comes down to a choice of owning ones own value and letting go of that which demands such sacrifices and obstructs the loving and caring and empowering experience of ones self.  For some it seems easier to die than to get their own needs met.  Many times these attitudes are deeply buried within lives which appear successful and satisfying.  Other times people despair totally of ever making themselves at least as important as the others in their lives.  I have worked with many people with this disease and seen complete recovery and transformation of their life, and also seen people give up.  It is a powerful journey.  At this time of ascension, the potential for healing and empowerment through this experience is much greater than previously, because change can happen easier than ever.  Whether or not the woman needs surgery and medical care for this disease is not the indicator of success.  Success is the claiming of ones value and choosing to live a life where God in your can feel honored, loved and empowered.  Sometimes the removal of a breast might be a necessary symptom of the removal of hereditary attitudes that are self-defeating.  Change can happen in so many ways, and what one person needs is not what someone else needs, each journey is individual.

When working with this issue for the collective female energy I was asked to bring God into the aspect of life that is torn and separated from unconditional love and unity.  As God entered that place it became a pathway for healing instead of a wound.  The unconditionally loving Higher Power embraced the female energies from the beginning of time all the way through into the new world.  When that occurred I felt the huge shift I mentioned in the first paragraph of this post, like a very full balloon releasing.  That was all that was required of me, but I have since felt a great deal of clearing of old hereditary feminine self-hatred and hatred of others, blame, disempowerment, fear and despair.  This is not an easy piece of work, but one which effects all of us at the deepest levels; even those who don’t have this disease, woman and men both.

Thank you friends for being a part of this work, through sharing these posts and doing your own ascension work within your hearts, minds, bodies and souls.  Thanks for sharing or liking this post in whatever ways work for you, if you feel guided to.

Love and blessings for an empowered and self-loving week, Eve

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Tyra Petoskey
Tyra Petoskey
6 years ago

Utterly amazing! Thank you Eve ❤️

6 years ago

Thank you Eve for doing this work and so eloquently telling us about it. This totally corresponds to what I have perceived about the causes behind breast cancer and about the individuality of treatment. Good confirmation!