GMOs and Ascension

I was meditating on what to blog about today; and as soon as I thought of this idea, a rainbow appeared!  So nice to have outer confirmation of our spiritual choices! I don’t depend on that kind of thing, but it is always joyous when it comes.

The creation of genetically modified foods (GMOs) from my strictly personal point of view are amazing acts of arrogance and foolishness.  But I have learned over the years that everything has a purpose in the bigger picture of life, especially what I see as egregious acts like this.  Another confirmation! – that word egregious came to me as I was writing and just to be sure I was using it correctly I looked it up and was surprised when the meaning was 1. outstandingly bad; shocking  2. remarkably good.  This is perfect because GMOs fall into the vast group of human choices which appear bad from my logical standpoint, (although obviously some think they are good) but which from an ascension standpoint serve the greater good; not in the positive way the scientists probably envisioned, but in a rather opposite manner.

I have written a lot about the breaking down of our old world structures so that we can ascend.  This breaking down happens on all levels from the most physical, to psychological and social, to the more spiritual aspects of life.  The genetic modifications of our food sources impact our physical bodies and our planet in ways which weaken the old world genetic matrix.  This opens the way for the new world genetic material to be birthed into our physical experience.  In order for the physical world to change, there has to be an opening made by humans.  The world was designed this way so that humans would learn to be a part of the creative process of life.  Much of what people do seems to be a part of the destructive phase of the creative process.  However, most of these things play an essential role in ascension.

I am very excited to be able to think of GMOs from this perspective!  It stops me from wanting to pull my hair out and shout – what are you thinking!!!  I am also excited to think about the ascension of our genetic material!  Ascending our spiritual self is necessary and a constant project for my planetary ascension work; but the physical world is such a strong force and has so much inertia behind it, that I have often wondered how it will be changed sufficiently to ascend.

Both the use of atomic energy in destructive ways and GMOs open us up to be able to change.  Of course the obvious negative impacts of that are egregious!  They cause a lot of damage to the integrity of our genetic material on Earth.  This is the death part of the ascension process.  However the second definition for egregious is true also – this allows the Higher Power to initiate shifts where a perfectly healthy genetic makeup would be hard to change – which is remarkably good.

One of the landmarks of these types of issues which are part of the ascension process, is that there is really nothing you can do to reverse the effects.  Radiation and genetic modifications once initiated are with us – there is not much that can be done to eliminate them from our world.  As a healer and ascension worker I have often wondered in the past how The Higher Power would work through us to heal these things; and whenever I have asked to work with them, I have been discouraged from doing anything.  As my experience has grown with the ascension process, I recognize that these very problems will act as fertile ground for ascension; helping to bring us our of the old world and into an entirely new experience of unity and wholeness with all of creation.

The new world exists on a more spiritual level.  In the ascended state we will be more on the level of what we now experience as our emotional/mental/spiritual levels of our aura – only these will be lifted into a much clearer level of vibration and unconditional love.  When we are there, we will still experience ourselves and our world as having form and substance, so it will have some resemblance to what we know now; including all our current senses and many others that are not commonly known by humans at this time.  But because everything will exist on a more spiritual level, change and growth will be smoother and easier and time will be much more fluid, allowing us to change things in the past and in the future and correct errors instantly.  Life will be lighter and spirit more powerful in every level of our experience.  Watch for these experiences as your energy shifts, they will grow stronger each time you ascend a bit.

The breaking down of the old physicality as we have known it is necessary and helpful for all life on earth.  What appears to be human arrogance and foolishness is actually a necessary inclination directed from the unconditional loving Source of Life.  You may choose to eat non-GMO foods and enjoy that they are healthier for your body.  However, when you are unable to find those foods, you can eat what is available with an understanding that while it isn’t as nourishing to your body, it is helping us all to ascend.  Hopefully this will allow you to relax and enjoy whatever foods you find available at a given time.

As we ascend, our awareness of the new world grows, and it will be rather like our movement from infant to toddler, to child, to adolescent, to adult – at each stage we have a different body and focus on life.  What was essential when we were younger is no longer as important in the next stage of development.  As we enter the new world, our awareness of the old world diminishes in stages.  We will become increasingly aware of the new existence and this will help us to let go of what is passing away within and around us.

Whenever you find yourself grieving how things used to be, it is an indication that there is something you are trying to let go of from the past – you can’t return to the past, but you can harvest the gifts from it and work through your grief.  You can meditate on the emotions, memories and attitudes that are arising within you, with the purpose of understanding and learning from them, and then letting them go.  This will help you feel completion and satisfaction with what was, so you will be able to let go and shift into a higher and clearer experience as you ascend to the next level.

I’m happy to help you in this process through the Monthly Ascension Support Class and personal Healing & Ascension Treatments.  Receive $10 off Family treatments in November when you mention this post!  There is a link on my website to contact me and a new one to purchase my book Riding the Wave of Change now!  However the whole website is under reconstruction, so please excuse what isn’t quite right yet – thank you!

Thanks so much for helping others to find this blog via social media or however you like to do that!  Reply if you have thoughts you want to share about this post.  I very much enjoy being on this journey with you!  Love and Blessings, Eve

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6 years ago

I like the new background of lavender! Soothing.