The Open Heart of Ascension

I wonder how many of you realized when you worked with last week’s ascension meditation that there were two elements I included which were most potent and essential for a successful experience.  The first was centering within an open heart chakra and the second was finding there the presence of your Inner Wisdom, which is a focus of your Higher Self.  An open heart chakra is an absolute requirement for transformation – it is the organ through which that can happen.  I want to thank the folks who shared their experiences with last week’s meditation, if you didn’t read those comments yet, you might want to visit last week’s post, what they said was very inspiring!

Even people who don’t work with chakras understand the idea of an open heart, but they may not realize it isn’t the physical heart that opens, it is the chakra in the middle of your chest!  Chakras open back and front like two beams of light- the front is how you give through your open heart, and the back is how you receive.  When you do my exercises and I ask you to center in your heart chakra and then step back into yourself until you feel your spine is the middle of you, these two instructions bring you into your heart center as a focus instead of being in your head as a focus. This is essential – it helps you to be receptive instead of always doing things from your own energy and will, and allows your own Higher Self to be in charge of what is happening!

Your Higher Self is who you really are – it is the eternal you who created and wrote the script for all your lifetimes.  When you open your heart chakra to your Inner Wisdom, you are allowing your own greater intelligence, wisdom and love to act within your life.

The journey of ascension is the process of letting your human/animal self release its old identity and agendas and rise into its most beautiful and true state, as a vehicle for your Higher Self to live within.  There are billions of beings in our universe who have already accomplished this – we call them Ascended Master Beings.  They are not more special than any one of us here on Earth, but they were created to incarnate and then ascend ahead of most people, in order to assist the rest of us toward this experience.  There is no failure in the journey of ascension, everyone will ascend.  Who you are has planned and designed your unique path of ascension in order to maximize the development of skills and soul muscles (my term for the strengths and capacities you develop through incarnating).  The timing of this within you is also designed to dovetail with everyone else’s ascension process, so that all creation enters the new world with the greatest level of skills and soul muscles for our true selves to express in the new world.

I have observed how most people feel so in awe of Ascended Masters – Jesus, Quan Yin, St. Germaine and so many others.  Spiritual people may look to them to run our lives and world because we feel at a loss as to how to make it through this crazy world we live in!  Know that all those wise and enlightened souls are helping…however they want you to also know that you are going to discover within yourselves the wisdom, love and true purpose you desire.  They will not do for you what it is that you are ready to find within yourself. When you find it within, then you self-actualize through your experiences. Enlightened souls want this for you and will withhold their help when you need to find what you desire within yourself.  You can find what you need to break through the obstructions of the old world and the challenges in your life only through your open heart, and the connection to your Inner Wisdom and Higher Self which you access that way.  The new world runs via this focus of consciousness.

The old world runs through minds and wills driven by instinct, which is often directed by fear, worry, anger, greed or desperation.  I don’t judge this, because this is the old world way.  As you ascend though, you need to learn to live through the wisdom and unconditional love of your Higher Self which is present within you through your Inner Wisdom.

The reason the old world is such a mess right now is because acting from the old world instinctual self is an old system and it doesn’t work in the new world.  Since 2012 we are in the new world contracts – the new world systems are in charge and reorganizing everything so it can ascend.  It is a little bit like when Microsoft stops serving an old system and you are required to upload the new one.  You have to contend with learning to run your computer through the new equipment.  It is challenging!  Well, it is always better if you go willingly into the new system, with the understanding that there will be challenges for a while.  We on planet Earth have to let go of the old world and learn to live in the new world a little more fully every day!  Your primary new world equipment begins with your open heart and the willingness to access your Inner Wisdom, and not allow your mind and emotions and will to be governed by your old world instincts – fear, worry, anger, greed or desperation, though you may feel those things.  You will learn to be intuitively led through your open heart to accept, be patient, trust and love unconditionally.  This is how you ascend with skill and grace, instead of by catastrophe forcing you to let go and change.

The more willingly we learn to use our new world capacities and through that grow stronger in our new world muscles, the more quickly and gently the chaos will finish and the new world will manifest.  So our job is to learn to live with an open heart chakra; centered on our Inner Wisdom, and allowing our Higher Self to influence our minds, wills and decisions out of unconditional love.

This task is a beautiful one!  And I am standing here with you on the cusp of something truly amazing and marvelous!  The new world is new to most of us, but there are Ascended Masters in our world and in our universe who have been exploring its gifts already. They are ready for us to contribute our parts to birth this new experience for all creation.  Within you is a growing seed of your new world self – keep your heart chakra open and it will grow with surprising speed and strength when you do!

Please consider joining us for the next series of Ascension Support Classes which begins January 11th!  Each series we are amazed by what is newly occurring for those who participate in these healing and ascension meditations; we see greater and greater strides on their journey of healing, life and ascension.  It would be so blessed to have you come as a part of your family and soul group, representing hereditary lines, countries of origin, careers and so many more connections which would become open doors for healing and ascension of others through your own presence and open heart.  Find out more through the Main Website button and contact me that way if you are interested in exploring this!  While you are there you can enjoy the new site – it is still being refined, but it is really lovely with brand new art by Kara Bradley who did the art for Riding the Wave of Change!

The book website is finally up and is quite beautiful!  I think you will enjoy seeing some of the art from Riding the Wave of Change as it looks in the original versions – so clear and beautiful in ways printing can’t reproduce.  You can read an excerpt if you haven’t yet gotten a copy for yourself – or purchase a copy for you or someone you love.  Check it out!   

Thank you for being you!  I am so excited to get to know you better as your Inner Wisdom and Higher Self help you reveal your true self into our world.  Love and Blessings,  Eve

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