Part 2 – The Open Heart: Sailing Into the New World

The need for an open heart continues to be paramount for our ascension focus.  The function of the heart chakra is to be the connection between human self and Higher Self, and between human self and others.  It is also the means of transmutation and release for what is unhelpful and transformation of who we have been into who we are capable of being.  Without an open heart, these processes get stalled.

To allow the heart chakra to do its job, the mind and the third eye chakra need to keep a soft focus – not running the show, but integrating the greater wisdom available to us.  When the mind and third eye take the helm and try to direct the ship of our lives, ignoring our Inner Wisdom and the connection with Higher Self, we find ourselves running blind – though we may think we know where we are going.  So our mind and third eye need to be connected to our open heart; however, that alone isn’t enough.  There also needs to be a unity with our body so we can ground spirit into the world and allow it to act.  A good analogy to discuss the unity of these parts and how they work together might be a sailboat.

Like the great ship Mayflower sailed into the new world of America, your beautiful ship of Being is sailing into the new world of our ascended state.  You have been building this ship for many lifetimes and now you are learning to master the process of sailing.  In this analogy your heart chakra would be the sails – interfacing between the wind of spirit, the water of rebirth and wood of physical experience.  The rudder would be your mind – focusing the direction you go.  The ballast – what gives weight to the bottom of the boat so it doesn’t flip upside-down – is your grounding.  The crew for your ship would be all your various skills and gifts.  The captain of your ship would be your Higher Self – who knows the direction and goals that you are contracted to fulfill in this incarnation.  The sail, the rudder and the crew hold endless potential, but without the captain they may be lost in the vast sea of life.  The captain makes everything work together for good.

When your heart is closed, it is like having your sails furled and the captain is asleep or unavailable.  Then the crew will work the rudder, trying to keep the boat on course to somewhere, though they may only imagine they know the way to go.  The rudder being the mind, those who wield it may get an idea and use it as a goal; but it may be arbitrary, having no real relationship to where the boat is presently or where it is contracted to go.  In this frustrating scenario the boat could be lost at sea or run aground on a reef near some unknown shore.  Life with a closed heart often feels like this – pointless, arbitrary and frustrating.

I want to make clear that an open heart is not the same thing as an open mind.  The mind is your ability to focus, and so it is an essential part of your equipment.  However, it wasn’t designed to choose what to focus on – but rather to be directed by the captain of your ship – your Higher Self through your heart chakra.  When the mind tries to choose the focus of your life, it gets lost among the endless possibilities, like the un-captained ship in the great blue sea of life.

Because our human capacities have found spirit to be an ephemeral thing, we have become enamored of our minds, as though they contained all the answers we needed.  Alternately we used religion or philosophy as concepts of what spirit might be like.  To a large extent people have been spiritually deaf and blind.  So the mind has seemed to be our best bet as a guide and director of our lives.  But we are ascending and for some time now, the world of spirit has been becoming increasingly available to our awareness.  Spirit is still less obvious than the mind, but we are doing much better with assimilating it into our lives nevertheless.

These blogs, my classes, healings and book are designed to strengthen your connection with the spiritual captain of your ship – your Higher Self.  Your Higher Self is a unique part of the Oneness of Life.  Because each ship – or soul – was created by a unique Higher Self, it has a purpose and direction for life that it alone can fulfill within the wholeness of our world.  Your Higher Self has used your mind to help direct your ship until you can bring it on board as captain.  Studying, living, meditating, listening, watching, working, relating…all these and more have provided input to open your mind to possibilities for your life.  This openness has been more beneficial than a closed mind would be; however once your Higher Self begins to captain your life, your focus once again narrows as you learn to listen to the guidance within your own heart.  In this way, the ship of your life begins to move in the direction of your greater good and fulfillment of your true purposes.

I would also mention that in this analogy, nothing would work without the physical body of the ship!  So I will remind you that being grounded is the only way to achieve your goals in this life!

My daughter Kara and I did a fun 1/2 hr. radio show about working together on Riding the Wave of Change – Hope, Healing and Spiritual Growth for Our World.  Kara Bradley is the artist – and if you haven’t yet seen her work, or want to see it at its best, visit .Here is the link to the radio show site – once there the shows are listed alphabetically so mine will be under Wilson – almost at the end of the list:

The Monthly Ascension Support Class is filling up for the series starting January 11th!  I’d love to include you if it feels right!  Please let me know if you want to ride the waves of change with us, and help us be an influence of unconditional love, healing and ascension in the world!  For that and to make an appointment to use the $10 off coupon for Healing & Ascension Treatments go through the Main Website button above this post.

In case you are looking to gift something beyond the ordinary, you might try Heiffer International and buy farm animals, honey bees, seedlings, or clean water for someone in need, on behalf of your beloved person – who probably doesn’t need another THING!  Or give the gift of renewed confidence in life on Earth by purchasing a copy of Riding the Wave of Change – Hope, Healing and Spiritual Growth for Our World.  You can do that at or on the Main Website.

May your life be filled with a clear sense of direction and purpose as you welcome your Higher Self to captain your ship!  Love and Blessings, Eve

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Tyra Petoskey
Tyra Petoskey
6 years ago

Amazing analogy! Thank you Eve ❤️?

6 years ago

As a sailor, I find this to be an excellent analogy!! Thanks so much!