The Pearl Process

In the old world evolutionary process people’s souls are built through challenge and irritation, much like a pearl is formed by an irritant within a clam or muscle.  If you look at the times and places in your life where you have gained the most with regards to personal integrity, strength and faith, you found them during times of hardship which required you to grow the pearl within yourself.  It is really a great process, although not one that feels sweet and spiritual, it does grow souls effectively.

In the new world, our soul bodies will grow because God is present within us and we are able to flow with the changes that need to occur.  The pearl process will become less necessary as we become more adept at moving from that place of inner guidance and unconditionally loving and divine will from within us.

You may notice increasingly that it takes less and less to motivate you to do the right thing.  You perceive the need within you or within life and respond from a place of inner wisdom, insite and trust more readily so you get through the hard stuff with a lot less rub and difficulty.  This is an indicator of your ascension!

Respond to this email with stories of how you have moved with life easier of late!  We’d love to be inspired by you.  Love and Blessings,  Eve

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