Soul Contracts and The Roles We Play

We are players on the stage of each other’s lives.  Not only are others contracted to show up on your stage, giving you oportunities to grow in ways you may not have been grasping fully; you are also contracted to show up on theirs for the same reason.  Sometimes it is suprising the roles you are called to play and the way others respond to that because they may see you entirely differently than you intended.  Try to remember that they contracted for you in this role, it may not be one you chose on the human level, but you agreed to do it on a higher plane.  Likewise you contracted for others to play roles you never thought you wanted, but that you need.

Ask the loving true core within you to help you forgive yourself or others for the roles you respectively play for each other.  Welcome God to be there with you to take the blame, guilt, pain, fear or whatever is showing up and raise that energy into a state of trust and love.  Be patient in the letting go, it will take as long as it takes.

Once you feel clearer on that level open to love for yourself and the people involved (they may not be open to it, but you can ask that they receive it when they are ready).   Ask for understanding of what the contracts are and what needs to be accomplished through these various roles.  Even though it may take time to understand fully, the answer will come when you are ready to receive it.

Everything is as it should be despite how some of it appears!

Join the Healer Development 101 and learn to manage life’s lessons with greater ease and power.  6 Tuesdays beginning Sept. 25th, 7 – 9:30 PM – click the following link to register:

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