A New Way to Ground

It recently became obvious to me that it is time to ground differently than we have been.

For 26 years I have taught people to access clean energy by receiving support from the earth and the sun.  Usually I use the image of a tree, so a person has roots reaching into the earth that support and nourish them with unconditionally loving earth energy and branches reaching up to the sun and reaceiving nourishment that way.

The earth is ascending and her energy needs to be used for that process.  We are also ascending and need to access an even purer source of nourishment, so it is time for a change all around.

You can still use the image of the tree, feeling that your body and aura are the trunk being nourished through roots and branches, but ask that they access the energy from God below and God above, or if you don’t like the term God, The Essence of Truth will do.  You’ll find that this change will give you a greater sense of inner balance and wholeness.

There are so many changes coming so fast, and a lot of stuff clearing right now.  A healing treatment can get old world contracts and blocks out of the way and upgrade your energies so more of your higher consciousness can live in your body.  I will also give you new tools and ways to continue growing and ascending on your own!  Those responding to the following link can take advantage of a $10 off special for healings scheduled through this blog link between now and January 8th: evew@spiritualhealers.com .  First I’ll check with your higher self and the healing guides to be sure a healing will be helpful to you at this time and if it will we can schedule one!

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