Room to Grow

The theme for ascension work lately has been clearing those energies which have kept us small and impotent.  What is common among what is being cleared, is that all these things have used the personal power we have not been able to own yet, but which we are needing now so we have room to grow into our true selves.

I would call these energies parasitic, although they range from simple energy suckers, to disruptive, or sheer walls or maliciously hurtful. Included among them are the energies of war, disease, hatred, blame, shame and many others.  All have been used to create the workout gym that has built us to the necessary level of soul independence we currently have.

At this time these parasitic energies are in process of being returned to God and their energies being re-directed to where they are still needed elsewhere, or upgraded to be more positive.  The ease of this planetary and cosmic level healing amazes me!  It is clear we are ready for this change.

Clearing these things will be giving your soul room to grow within your body and aura; get ready for a deepening sense of your power! You’ll be able to ground better into yourself and claim your potential in ways that have been blocked to you in the past.  This will also mean healing and clearing some old stuff that you don’t need any more.  Much of that healing will be quick and easy, like a thunderstorm that leaves things refreshed when it goes.  Some of it may require some deeper healing work and in doing that you will help others to heal more quickly and easily.

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