Earth Healing Work This Week

This week I met with my Ascension Group (made up of graduates of The Healer & Ascension Certification Course).  We gathered to work with the new level of healing and rebirthing that our Mother Earth was ready for this week.

There was an important dynamic in place because one of our group was in Israel and traveling to Nazareth, where Mother Mary was informed by Archangel Gabriel that she was pregnant with Jesus.  Another has spent a lot of time on Mt. Shasta in Washington a center for new age spirituality. Israel and Mt. Shasta are both powerful focuses for rebirthing the Earth and bringing in the New World.  Our work corresponded with the start of Ramadan which is the Moslem season for fasting, cleansing and forgiveness.  We saw how through the San Andreas Fault line the energy of Mt. Shasta travels all the way down into South America and felt also a connection with the ancient spiritual energies of the ancient religions of South America. This seemed to all combine to create an amazingly broad opportunity for this healing.

The issues that were ready to receive healing included power, money, power lost and those who are victims of power mongers and the soul contracts they hold for that experience, greed, fear, dishonesty, religious dishonesty, false spiritual energies that appear impressive and good, energies that bind and limit consciousness, wrath and anger, hatred, shame and guilt to name most of what we worked with.

There was lots of forgiveness and clearing of old world energies, blocks and limitations around these issues.  We were able to welcome in The Holy Spirit to support the birth of much more unconditionally loving New World energies for all life.  The Earth received many upgraded energy systems and higher levels of consciousness and soul to incarnate into our world.

We are grateful and privileged to help midwife such healing for our beloved Earth!

If this kind of work inspires you, and if you feel called to participate the next Healer & Ascension Certification Course begins on August 22.  I will work with your higher self and the Ascension Guides to be sure this direction is on your soul path.  We’d love to have you join us if so!  Contact me at to inquire!  The Monthly Ascension Support Class begins on September 12th and we are taking applications now for that class too, same email 🙂  Love and Blessings, Eve

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