The Light Within

The summer energies are waning and with it you may feel yourself being dropped back into your own personal energies, no longer lifted out of yourself by the sun and the summer.  This is the time to begin strengthening your inner light to feed your energies from a clean source of truth.  It is like stocking your cupboards with food for the winter!

Below is a meditation to help you fill yourself with light when it seems the world around you is not nourishing or supporting that light for you.

Light a candle and welcome the essence of truth that it brings to focus to come into the world.  You may call it God or unconditional love or just the essence of truth.  Sense that essence and allow it to remind you of the light within your own heart, which is also a focus of unconditional love and truth.

Breathing into your chest, go deep within until you feel that inner source of truth that is your very own.  Once you feel it, blow out the candle and welcome that inner light to radiate through your body, soul and aura, filling you with light.

Throughout your days and nights, re-orient toward that inner light and center within its warmth and truth.  Use a candle flame to strengthen that awareness as needed.

A healing treatment can help you to integrate the gifts you have received this summer and be ready for the inner growth that winter brings.  Use the following link to ask me to check whether a healing would be good for you at this time.  Like us on Facebook to help others to find the weekly word 🙂  Thanks!

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