Your Inner Light

During this early fall season, your energy is coming to focus more and more within yourself, withdrawing more from the outward focus of summer.  That means your inner light is brighter.  This is an excellent time to focus on and encourage your self-awareness and connection with your higher self.

With your inner light growing stronger, it is easier to see and let go of things that have blocked you in the past.  This is especially true now that we are actively ascending.  Things can be released more quickly and easily than ever before.

Spending time with yourself in meditation or in meditative time in nature are great ways to integrate these changes during this time.  While walking, exercising, or sitting under a tree or by the water, welcome the light within you to grow.  As it does, notice any old issues or baggage that comes up.  Invite your higher self to bring healing to those places where there have been blocks to wholeness within your soul.

This is a great time to get healing and ascension treatments, since there will be lots of stuff ready to shift.  If you email me at the address/link below, I will check to see if I can be of help to you at this time 🙂 –  Enjoy the fall!  Blessings, Eve

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