Great Work

People have been doing great work during this Mercury Retrograde phase and today is the final day!  If you look back over the past 3 + weeks, you’ll see for yourself all the inner work that has been going on in your life during this phase.  The ascension process uses these planetary transitions to focus energies that help you release the old world experience, so you can ascend into the new world experience of living increasingly from your power and your truth!

Most people have been experiencing deep clearing of blocks, much of them emotional and mental.  For many there has been release of deep frustration, pain, hatred, guilt, blame or other really deep and instinctual or unconscious reactions to life.  You may have begun to see your own part in a difficult relationship or situation and realized that you were there for your own learning.

When life seems most unfair, that is the time to ask yourself, what do I need to learn in this situation?  There is always a reason why life/God/Your Higher Self has put you there, and it often requires deep surrender and humility, or finding reserves of inner strength you didn’t know you had in order to discover what it is and complete your task in that circumstance.  Having done that, your light and power will shine brighter than ever and you’ll be glad to have grown so much.

While today is the last day of this huge push to clear our souls and our psyches of old blocks and to complete lessons we need to learn; the aura of this retrograde will continue for a week or so.  Please take the time to review what you have been struggling with.  Then you can reward yourself for what you have accomplished.  You can also take this opportunity to understand what has really been going on that maybe you haven’t quite gotten yet.  There is still time to learn it and to let it go.

If you need help understanding the blocks in your life, my healing treatments help you to do that and then to complete work around them. Then we’ll help you move into a new and more whole experience in your life!  Contact me at and I’ll check to see if it is the right time for you to have a healing with me.  If it is, great changes are in store! Love and blessings on your journey,  Eve

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