Ascension is Sharing in Creation

My old world self can be cranky and rushed when I feel I have a lot to accomplish and little time.  But there is a creative flow and a purpose that life has in each moment that I can surrender into with my will, my mind, my feelings and my prayers.  This flow takes into consideration my desires and goals and organizes them within the larger flow of creation and everything gets done with unexpected grace. 

Life has a bigger intention for my day than just what I want to happen.  The seeds of my desires are a part of Gods creation and come to fruition in unexpectedly rich experiences and in ways that work perfectly when I flow.   I am part creator and part creation.  I have power and influence and a share in the responsibility for what happens, but I am not in control.  I can accept my role as partner with God and all of life in each moment.

Ascension and healing require us to surrender to the flow of life and change.  If we hold too tight to our desires and goals, we keep ourselves in the mold of the old world.  We can be more like a gardener…watering our goals and desires with prayer and action, knowing they will grow in the way that fits with the bigger picture of life. 

Allow your feelings, thoughts and actions to be moved by the flow of life and your goals and visions to adjust to the directions that life intends for you in each moment.  Dance with life!