Worthiness and Love

A lot of progress is being made right now, especially over the past couple of days around  healing the ways in which we give our power away to others or to food and substances because we don’t love ourselves enough or feel worthy. You may find it increasingly easy to choose to live your truth, own your power and love yourself from here on.

At times and in circumstances where you find yourself giving your power away, not respecting yourself or feeling and behaving in self-damaging ways the key is to shift your self-perception to your true and new world awareness of unity with God.  You can use the by now familiar meditation:

The Essence of Truth of God is within me and I am within The Essence of Truth of God

Also try: All my circumstances are within the Essence of Truth of God and The Essence of Truth of God is within all my circumstances

These are true statements.  On an even higher level of truth everything is God.  This is a step in that direction.  Once you have used the term The Essence of Truth at the beginning of the meditation to get beyond religious ideas about God to the highest focus of that One that you can access, you can shorten this to just God is within, etc.

If you don’t like the term God you could substitute another term for that same source from which we all spring and which is who we really are.

When you love yourself you can actualize your true potential and then you can support others in doing that as well.  The love you find outside of you will reflect your self love by attracting people and circumstances that mirror that truth within you in fact, not just in fantasy.

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