Inner Light

With winter upon us, you may miss the warmth and light of summer.  But there is an interesting phenomena where in the winter our spirit and that of the planet becomes more concentrated.  Rather than expanding outward as it did in summer, it is drawn back to focus within our human self.  This can feel depressing if you resist the smaller focus.  However, if you take advantage of it, you can feel more alive inside your own body and soul, just as the planet does in this season of cold.  This is a time of growing your truth within.

Within you is the seed of oneness and truth that summer welcomes from the cosmic realms of spirit and plants within each soul.  It joins with the light of your own inner wisdom to give strength to your inner life and will helping you grow and ascend.  You can welcome your own higher self to fill your body and aura and tune you to your true spiritual essence.  Then let it help you find and nurture your own inner light and the seed gift of summer that is growing inside you.  Let these inner lights fill and sustain you through the winter.

Being a human, you have the ability to access any aspect of life within your own self.  Human’s are that complex!  If you tend to suffer from SAD in the winter, ask the Source of Life to provide you with a personal size focus of sunlight to glow within your body and aura and provide you with just the right amount of sunlight to keep you happy 🙂  Feel and visualize this warm sun within – but make sure you don’t give yourself a sunburn!  Remember the request for it to be just the right amount to keep you happy.

I am excited to be publishing a book in 2015 called Riding the Wave of Change – Hope, Healing and Spiritual Growth.  In it I will share many amazing stories about the journey of evolution and ascension and how I have learned to work with this process.  Stay tuned to my Facebook: Eve Wilson Bridge to Wholeness and connect with me on Twitter and Linked In for previews and updates on my progress!  Have a blessed week my friends!  Love, Eve

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