Thanksgiving & Trust

Many of you spent yesterday giving thanks for an abundance of food, warmth and family.  These blessings seem especially poignant with so much in transition within our world.  Being conscious of the ascension process we know and desire that things shall change; but we can get a bit nervous not knowing what that change will bring during the transition from Old World to New World in our experience.

Think about the shift into the new world as a stairway.  Each step is just a small shift, but takes you into a new dimension of reality, one shift closer to the New World unity with our true selves that we desire.

Today you can give thanks for the New World experience that is available to you on the step of ascension that you are at today.  Then tomorrow you can do the same and so on; and probably so subtly you won’t even notice it, you will be in a slightly new state of experience!  Gradually over time, you will be wholly in the New World.  This gradual shifting keeps you aligned with your Higher Self and The Source or God within all things.  Being there, you can trust that all you need will be available to you each step of the way.

Those you love may or may not obviously be shifting along with you, but don’t worry, they are where they need to be as well.  They may even be farther along the ascension path than you realize.  Especially our children.  Most of them have higher vibration energy systems than we who are older do.  Each generation has come in lighter and clearer since the mid 1800s.  This will allow them to shift into the new world much easier, when the time is right for them to do so.  In the mean time, all the phone, video and internet stuff is actually a kind of way station for them.  It helps them to be lightly present on the planet as the shifts occur and will make it easier for them to shift into the new world when they are ready to do that.  That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t require them to not spend all their time there!  But it may set your heart and mind at ease about this inclination.

I understand that my Facebook link below my picture was not functioning before!  Please try again to Like me there to help others find me here!  I kind of ignore my personal Facebook page, but you can email me at  Keep an eye out for the $15 coupon for healing treatments that I sent out this week!  My Thanksgiving Gift to You!  Many blessings on your journey of ascension this week. Love, Eve

P.S.  Don’t forget you can comment here as well!  For some reason people generally don’t, but I would be glad to hear from you 🙂

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