
Hi Ascending Friends!  There is a new direction in the evolution of our intuitive gifts that is happening as we ascend; when we are ready for it.

As we ascend increasingly into what I call our new world self, our personal facet of the Oneness I often call God begins to reveal itself more completely through our bodies and souls.  We go from feeling like humans seeking higher truth from outside of ourselves to being humans accessing God within, as well as from outside.

This change calls us to seek wisdom and truth from within ourselves first and then to incorporate the insight of others, including spirit guides second.  Guides become collaborators and friends rather than a kind of super parent who always tells us what to do.  We are growing up, and as spiritual adults, we begin to realize our own responsibility for discernment and choice.

Of course we get perspectives from outside of ourselves be it people or guides, but we listen within and learn to trust the wisdom of our own facet of God the most.  This is more precise for us, because we have something unique to offer.  No one else has precisely our perspective on life.

So before you seek guidance from an outside source, whether human or spiritual, you can choose to seek it within your own inner wisdom.  Listen to your inner wisdom from different focusses inside you, including your new world heart chakra and your new world naval chakra.  Did you notice I didn’t list your mind yet?  That is because most people’s minds are full of ideas they have absorbed from outside of their own self, including judgments and fears; but if you teach it to listen to the truth within your heart and your naval, it will learn to trust your inner wisdom and begin to bring your own truth to focus instead.  I also didn’t list your third eye because if it is like most people’s, it is accustomed to being influenced from outside sources as well.  It will likely need retraining too.  As you ascend your lower chakras begin to reveal a deep and clear perspective, which may surprise you.  I know it has surprised me!  The most important thing is that your heart chakra be open to whatever chakras you choose to work from in order for them to be able to reveal their truth.

Ask and listen from the stillness within and allow wisdom to pop up to consciousness, rather than trying to generate it from a mind already predisposed to certain ways of seeing things.  Then your mind will recognize the intelligence of the truth as it emerges from within you.

I am not going to say that every message you get from within is the truth.  That is why you ask from different points of focus and allow the truth to ring clearly within your consciousness. You will learn to recognize it with practice.

It helps when listening within to begin by lighting the flame of an unscented white candle.  The flame carries an energy of truth and oneness with God.  Allow it to resonate with that same light within your new world heart chakra and tune your consciousness to your own facet of God within.  That gives you a kind of tuning fork to help you pick up the essence of truth as it emerges from within you.  Then do the same if you shift to working from a focus in any of your other chakras, letting the light of the candle ignite the light of your inner wisdom within that chakra.

I have a new class called Living an Intuitive Spiritual Life to stimulate you to know the truth within you and use it wisely and effectively in ordinary daily affairs such as work, relationships, finances, self-healing, house clearing, telepathic communication, and much more!  6 Tuesdays 7 – 9:30 start April 14.  I’d love to have you there 🙂 !   Have a blessed week and enjoy listening within and letting your inner wisdom grow!!! Love, Eve

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