Everything is Spiritual

All life is pure energy of spirit, there is nothing which is purely physical.  We all know this intellectually since the New Physics became the popular world view many years ago, but I don’t think it has sunk in for most of us in our daily reality.  As we ascend, this fact gives us an idea of how we can raise the vibrations of our bodies, our lives and our worlds into harmony with God.

If we think of ourselves as solid physical beings, and our world as a solid reality, we may wonder how it can change over as short a period of time as the next 30 years to become sufficiently integrated with our true spiritual source. But all life is energy particles, which can change character rapidly!

The things which slow us down are two:  1 – The contracts which are in place to hold old world reality as it has appeared to us.  These are in process of being reworked gradually so we can move with the shifts that are needed. These shifts become smoother with each step which loosens us from the old world experience; so that over time change happens more quickly and more easily.  2 – Our beliefs about life are another factor which need to shift.  We need to be open to know ourselves in a new way and be assured that it is possible for us to experience a new world of unity with our own true self!

As an assistant for the ascension process I work with The Higher Power within each individual and within all of life to help smooth the transition from the old world to the new world.  By updating individual and collective contracts to reflect the new world, everything is shifting more gently.  By writing and teaching I help people to understand and embrace the changes that are happening in our world and within their individual selves.  Bringing hope, positive change and giving people courage to embrace the new I am awed to experience a daily increase in new world experience.

Everything is spiritual.  All of life when freed from old beliefs and contracts, in the right time and way, gradually but still quickly will find itself unified with the presence of God awakening within each individual and each life form.  This is so exciting to me!

September 24th is the beginning of another  6 month series of Monthly Ascension Support Classes!  We meet every 4th Thursday to smooth the journey of ascension for the individuals and those connected to them through soul groups.  Let me know if you are interested in joining next time!  My book Riding the Wave of Change – Hope, Healing and Spiritual Growth for our world will be out by then!  Meanwhile, if you would like support on your ascension journey, or healing for your life, I am available for personal Healing & Ascension Treatments for you, your family and your pets.

I wish you a joyful journey of ascension this week!  Love and Blessings, Eve

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