Body Changes

High Ascending Souls!

As the vibrations on the planet rise to allow a greater integration of Higher Self into all life forms, there are lots of physical changes happening. These changes go in cycles.  All life forms are experiencing these changes, but as human beings here is a description of what you might be experiencing and how you can facilitate an easier shift.

Sometimes you may notice that your body seems to be aging or certain organs seem to functioning less efficiently.  This is often a sign that your old world body is beginning to shift, in preparation for the next stage of ascension.  During this phase, you can use suitable herbs, homeopathic remedies, flower essences and vitamins to support those elements which are undergoing change.  Reiki is also extremely helpful.  Then you can relax, meditate, pray and ask for help releasing the old and receiving your new world self.

During times of intense change you may find it difficult to sleep at night.  It can seem like you are wide awake in bed, and sleepy when you are up.  Sometimes it helps to take those awake hours at night to meditate on issues of body, emotion, mind, spirit or soul that need to be released.  You might find memories arising of circumstances where that need for forgiveness, greater self-acceptance or deeper understanding.  Alternately you can meditate on connecting more with the essence of truth of God/Goddess within you during those times. Then you may find sleep comes easier when you have accomplished what is needed.  Taking naps as needed, and using sea salt as a foot soak or in a bath, can help you to clear toxins in body and aura, and feel better during these transitions.

Next you may find yourself feeling new, as though you are much younger than you were just days before when things seemed to be falling apart.  This means you have arrived on the next step of the ascension process where aspects of body and soul are brand new and attuned to a higher vibration.  You are more in harmony with your Higher Self and your own facet of God is more alive and grounded within you.  The world seems brighter, more colorful and safer.  You feel more connected with the positive on every level.

I hope this helps you to flow with your own cycles of ascension and trust the process we are all undergoing here on Earth!

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Love, Eve

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