Hopeful Shifts on Planet Earth

It has been a week of hopeful shifts here on planet Earth!  Healing and ascension work was offered through the water which exists everywhere, and so makes a perfect vehicle for change.  Shifts were made to clear and heal the world and all life forms from toxic levels of bacteria, viruses, molds, funguses, and the negative states of consciousness, will, and action that go with them.  We also saw progress made bringing hope and awakening Inner Wisdom where people’s true aliveness, joy, wholeness and truth has been blocked by their belief systems or other people’s belief systems.  Large dark energy blocks are falling off of people’s auras as the new world energies are growing stronger within them.  Support was particularly given to the trees and their health and ascension process.

Because of this people may be experiencing some interesting things while changes occur in their bodies and souls.  There will be increased lightness emotionally, mentally and spiritually either immediately or after the clearing.  Some people may find some negativity coming out of them during the clearing process.  Don’t identify with it, but just forgive it in yourself and others as it passes away, and ask to live in your new world self, which is increasingly available to you.

As the old world energies clear like this, your soul and higher energies can ground more fully into your body.  This may temporarily feel heavy, as though your limbs weigh too much!  Don’t worry this is a temporary sensation caused by being more whole and present in your body and soul.  It will pass fairly quickly.  Taking walks helps you integrate these shifts more fully and quickly.  It may also be necessary to sleep more as your body dumps toxins and to allow your unconscious self to adjust to the new vibrations.  Taking naps of any length help tremendously. You awaken feeling more integrated, light and whole.

Book Update:  After several weeks undergoing editing I am making the final changes to Riding The Wave of Change – Hope, Healing and Spiritual Growth for Our World.  The journey from writing a book to actually birthing it into a close to perfect finished form for people to read is like a microcosm of the ascension process.  It makes the author grow in so many ways, and it births at its own pace!  I am grateful for all I am learning.  I’ll keep you informed as I have an idea when it will be ready for you!

The Monthly Ascension Support Class will begin the next series of 6 classes.  We meet every 4th week to smooth and accelerate the process of ascension for the participants, and through them the world.  It is a truly joyful, meditative journey that supports you throughout the month and which I love to create expressly for those who participate.  See if you feel inclined to join us in person or by phone or Skype starting September 24!  At $50 a month, it is a great deal for this tremendous assist to your life.  Contact me at evew@spiritualhealers.com or through my website www.spiritualhealers.com for more information about how to join.

Love and blessings on your ascension journey this week!

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