Dogs and People Ascending

Hello Ascending Friends!

To continue in the theme of last weeks post, I am going to talk about new world energy system upgrades, but this time for dogs as well as people. Dogs usually are brief incarnations for enlightened beings who bring unconditional love and healing as our delightful pets. It has been many lifetimes since dogs agreed to partner with humans in a subordinate position. It is my belief that as all life ascends they are going to partner with us in a more mutual way.  I believe this will be a very sweet and happy experience for all!  If you didn’t read last weeks post, you might want to read it first as a foundation for this information.

I have had the pleasure of working with a young dog over the past two years.  He is a bright and beautiful reincarnation of a dog who was a healing channel for a spirit guide.  In his newest incarnation he experienced a happier puppy period than previously, without the trauma and difficulty that had made his prior personality more vulnerable.  Though that vulnerability had made it easy for him to be a channel for the spirit guide that chose to work through him.

The overall wholeness and integrity of his new incarnation is beautiful to see. Whether or not he would be a healer dog this time eventually came into question, because his own personality has been so wonderful and whole, he was just a very happy and healthy dog in the purely animal sense.  We realized that the spiritual work would tend to make him more absorbent and vulnerable and we weren’t sure if we wanted that for him this time, or if he wanted it either.

How to proceed with helping him to evolve his experience in this lifetime became a question that also held implications for other dogs. Whether, as in the earlier incarnation when he assisted a healer to help clients, or as in most families where dogs tend to absorb toxic physical, emotional, mental and spiritual energies to protect and heal those they love; dogs will sacrifice themselves for their owners. Because dogs are often channels for higher levels of soul, they are selflessly willing to do this.  They know their true selves are eternal and unbreakable and when they pass on from their short lives, they take all those things they absorbed home to God to be healed.  People live better lives on so many levels because of the unconditional love of their dogs.

For this next piece of information I need to give some background: In recent years people have been growing strong enough in our own spiritual evolution that we are increasingly able to communicate and co-create directly with God and spirit guides through our bodies and souls.  Because of this the need has decreased for what I call mediumship channels, which are openings in our energy fields that allow spiritual beings to speak and act through us to communicate with people who are incarnate.

There are professional mediums who use these channels effectively, but also many people who have these channels for whom it can create challenges.  For them the channels can leave them open to feeling drained by people and to picking up negativity or psychic interference.

Since people can now connect directly and strongly with spirit without the channels, we can release the them.  Then we can have clearer, stronger personal boundaries and still talk to friends in spirit with no problem.  This is a powerful and important shift indicating our souls have evolved greatly. Removing these channels, which block us from using our own energy field in essential ways, helps to speed our spiritual growth and strengthen our bodies, emotions, minds and spirits.

Mediumship is an ancient and honorable path which I respect, and many people are still helping people through this system.  However, if your own mediumship channels are making you too vulnerable, and you would like them removed, please feel free to ask my help with that. You will still connect with spirit, just in a more direct way.  You will feel the relationships become stronger and more personal than through the channels, and feel the love more.  The channels can always be reclaimed if you want them back, that part is also easy.

Back to the dog I have been writing about, and how he chose a new path for himself in this lifetime.  He invited the removal of the mediumship channels which dogs use to channel higher spirit and to absorb negative stuff from their people, in favor of evolving his own soul to be a more spiritual being in his own right.  I wasn’t sure how this would work out, but felt good about the process.  For a while, he seemed even more to be just an animal and we missed his higher vibrations and intelligence.  But I was told to wait and see.

As this dog has matured, he is at last beginning to show the higher levels of soul that we have been missing in him, from knowing him in his previous life. We have found that the spirit guide who worked through him previously is actually his own Higher Self and we are finding him present again through this lovely and whole dog friend. Finer points of communication are becoming possible, and gentle and mutual discussions can ensue.  His spirit is growing sweeter, lighter, more gentle, and loving.  It is such a joy to experience!

Have a wonderful week my friends!  Love and blessings to you and your pets!  Eve

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