Wholeness – Full Moon

Today’s full moon brings to focus the energy of wholeness.  Wholeness is what we are moving toward as we ascend.  It is present within us now and within all creation, but at this stage we need to welcome it into our experience.

Wholeness occurs when the essence of truth of God is present within the world.  It is a relative wholeness, because we are in a mixed state of old and new world for a while yet.  The old world is all about separation from God.  But the new world is all about integrating into each facet of creation the aspect of the wholeness of God which created it.  So, strangely enough, our experience of wholeness at this time is a fragmented one!!!  Part of us can experience it and part of us isn’t quite there yet.  But, nevertheless wholeness still exists within each of us.

At this stage, our experience of wholeness comes when we focus on it and welcome it to be our experience.  The exercise below can help you to grow more whole:

– Breath into your body, and give yourself an inner hug, all the way down to your toes, and up to the top of your head.  Feel like you are hugging someone very precious – and you are!

– Allow your breath to carry your focus of attention into the middle of your chest and your new world heart chakra – which is just about where your  regular heart chakra is, but asking for the new world one gives you a clearer and higher focus of it.  Relax into that center.

– From that center invite the essence of truth of your own facet of God to fill your body and soul with wholeness.  Relax into that wholeness until you feel immersed in it and whole.  Invite this wholeness to bless, heal and support you and all aspects of your life.

– Invite the wholeness to increase with each breath and each moment of your life.

September 24th begins a 6 month period of healing and ascension support for those who invest 2 hours a month to experience it.  It is a beautiful, light-filled, peaceful meditative journey called The Monthly Ascension Support Class.  We are opening this class to 4 more participants this season, so we can expand the healing influence it brings into our world.  If you feel that one of these spots is yours, please let me know!  Visit my website for more about this class and testimonials  www.spiritualhealers.com  or email me at evew@spiritualhealers.com to register!

Have a blessed week of increasing wholeness my friends!  Eve

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