3 Big Shifts

Hi Ascending Friends!

All of you are probably experiencing the first big shift in a 3 part series that began Wednesday this week and will be bringing positive change over the next 3 weeks.   The second and third shifts appear to be expected next Wednesday/Thursday and then about 10 days from then probably on Sunday, with influences felt on Saturday night.

When the first shift came yesterday, I was not aware it was coming.  Suddenly I was very grounded and felt like I weighed about 150 lbs. more than usual! That lasted for about an hour and a half.  After determining that it was a positive thing I began investigating and this is what I found out.

The influence of wholeness that came with the full moon a week ago is lifting some dark veils of fear, judgment and isolation for about half of us on planet Earth.  Everyone will ultimately benefit by this.

To help yourself release your part of these veils of darkness, it will help if you ground more fully into your new world self.  What happens is that for spiritual shifts to resolve completely, we have to be grounded.  If we aren’t grounded then the shifts make us feel like we are holding onto a hot air balloon by one rope and it is pulling us out of ourselves and making us feel out of our bodies and unfocussed, possibly a bit discouraged and depressed too.  Grounding into your new world self, will help you let go of that old world balloon and live in your new world experience.  Below are some tools to help you do that.

I had to laugh when the first thing that the ascension helpers in spirit suggested to help people to release this old stuff, was that people eat high protein foods.  They specifically mentioned that if you eat meat, whether red, white or fish, that could be helpful during these shifts (not what you expected me to say!).  Earthy foods like root vegetables, eggs, nuts, goat milk, beans are all helpful too.  Not using sugar or junk food would help your ground better.  Eating this way will make your physical vibration stronger and help your soul and spirit to hold steady in your body as the shifts are happening.

I found a sea salt bath helped a lot for me.  2 cups salt or a bit less to a tub, for 10 minutes or so.  This helps to clear physical and psychic energies that are trying to release out of your system.  If it is hot, you could do a foot soak with cool water instead.

A new favorite grounding tool is to work with an inner tree.  To do this, you tune into your Inner Wisdom deep in your new world heart chakra and it often helps to seek it in your belly too.  Once there in that calm clear focus of self, ask for a type of tree that would help you be strong in the places where you aren’t yet whole and strong.  Then wait for what comes up to consciousness from deep within.  This won’t necessarily be your favorite tree.  For example, your favorite might be a Beech tree with it’s smooth silver bark, but what might be most helpful could be a gnarly old Oak.

Once you have an idea which tree, ask the Essence of Truth of God to give you a focus of that tree to merge with you.  Welcome it in and let yourself feel what it is like to be that tree.  Invite it to be an inner energizer throughout your day and night, helping you to be whole and hold steady so things can shift and clear for you.  Enjoy your deep roots that access The Essence of Truth of God below through the new world Earth and the high branches that access The Essence of Truth of God from above through the new world Sun.  Also your strong trunk that holds you and protects you as the world shifts in and around you in positive ways, bringing increased wholeness and peace in the wake of the clearing.

Ride the waves of change with me through my upcoming book, and through classes this fall and winter!  Sometime today you will receive my class e-newsletter with an Archangel blessing, meditation and a coupon! Check out the schedule, I’d love to include you 🙂  Love and Blessings, Eve

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