New World Ego

Hi Ascending Friends!

The latest new thing in the ascension process that I have seen is what I call the new world ego!  As a healer and ascension worker, identifying this aspect of our ascension process has allowed me to initiate positive shifts in a more comprehensive way for people, and to address issues that have been incredibly diverse and so very hard to get a handle on ways to resolve them.  I am excited about this, now I need to figure out how to explain it to you!

The human ego defines how we see ourselves and how we respond to the world; it is how we differentiate our individual self from all others.  The old world ego tends to be fairly dysfunctional in a variety of ways, which I doubt I have to explain in depth, since we have all lived with them for a long time.  But let us say that sometimes the ego has a weak sense of self – we get confused with other people’s ideas, feelings and desires.  Alternately sometimes the ego is so self-oriented that it is insensitive to others and tends to run roughshod over everyone.  Alternately, there is some combination of the above, and occasionally someone who is very balanced in their ego development.  But the main issue with the old world ego, is that it’s job is to define our place within the world we live in as a person.  It rarely really understands that who I AM is an eternal spiritual being living in a human body.  The concept may be there, but the old world ego isn’t designed to integrate our human self with our eternal self.

The new world ego is identified primarily with our eternal spiritual self and its concern is how that Higher Self can be present and act in the world through our human capacities.  It cares about and responds to our relationships with others and the larger world from a higher perspective, and is able to work with circumstances for the greater good, rather than just the personal good.  That doesn’t mean that the personal needs are neglected, because the caring for self is necessary and primary.  But what is good for ones self is seen also within the context of the greater good for all.

These ideas are not new to us, but what is new is the new world ego experience, which finds this way of being to be natural and easy, rather than something that we do when we are able to overcome the habits and desires of the old world ego self.

As we ascend and the new world ego becomes more our experience, it allows many of the things which have bothered sensitive spiritual people to be resolved.  Where people have been absorbing negative energy from loved ones and work places, they become able to release those things and hold the house of their personal body and aura sacred and whole.  Where they have been drained by others or given their power away, they find it much easier to block the drains and integrate their power into their lives.

As the new world ego integrates, an amazing number of energy blocks and a lot of old baggage can clear.  This allows body, emotion, mind, spirit and soul to heal, form new habits of living and responding to life, and be healthier in every way.

We have talked before about how the universe has given us 2  nurseries to help us to work through the ascension process.  There is the New World Nursery which nurtures and supports our new world self which is growing stronger and more whole every day within us.  Then there is the Old World Nursery which supports and nurtures the old world elements of us which are still serving some purpose, but which don’t yet agree with our new world intentions.  Our Higher Self helps us bridge these two elements of our self as needed.

We can ask to live in our new world self within the New World Nursery and this helps our focus and experience become stronger and more positive.  From that New World Nursery experience we can ask to live from our new world ego.  This helps us to experience life from that clearer sense of self, to make positive and appropriate choices in our life and to have greater perspective on things.  We will also feel stronger, healthier and more protected!  In this state it becomes easier to let go of old and new hurts, and emotional reactions, but also to be more honest about how we feel and what we need.

Learn more about the ascension process and living in the new world in my book Riding the Wave of Change – Hope Healing and Spiritual Growth for Our World coming soon on Balboa Press!  Email me to get on the list for a personally autographed copy and be one of the first to get yours! .  Find out more about my spiritual healing and ascension work and remarkable teaching skills at

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