You Are Ascending

Hello Ascending Friends!

Every day you are changing; letting go of your old world self and paving the way to integrating your own Higher Self into your soul, body, mind and emotions.  This is the purpose you were created to fulfill at the beginning of time!  It is kind of hard to wrap your head around though!  This isn’t an overnight shift, it will take a few decades, but relative to the previous lifetimes and lifetimes of the old world journey, it is a blink of an eye.

My baby granddaughter is changing every day, in such obvious ways.  Each day she lets go of yesterday’s self and becomes something more than she has been before.  What we adults are doing is a lot like that, but it is a change for us to think of ourselves this way!  We feel like we know who we are and while we would like to be better people, we don’t expect to become totally new, like a child does every day.  But that is what is happening to us and to our world, incrementally, but absolutely we are being recreated to realize our true potential.

It takes courage to accept change as adults, where children take it more in stride; it is what they expect and what they want.  There is something in adults that prefers to get our lives in order, nailed down, dependable…  But what we can depend on is that we are transforming and our world is too.  We need to be accepting of that if we want to ride these waves of change gracefully.  It would help to take a similar attitude to the child, just accept that change is natural and expect that each day you will be actualizing some new potential within your life!

Coming up in December is the Winter Solstice; the longest night of the year.  This event signals the birth of Higher Consciousness from within the world; a light within the darkness of the season.  The birth of inner light is the key event in our ascending process.  The world around us and our old world selves are outwardly like the darkest night of the year,  but the light within is growing stronger and brighter every day.  During these dark periods, it helps to focus on the light within us, and to open our hearts to the presence of a Higher Truth beneath the problems within our world.  It is there, and focusing on that will give joy and peace to support our journey.

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