Instincts Ascending

Instincts are a rich subject to work with spiritually one that impacts us in so many ways, both essential and disruptive.  So when I was invited to help ascend this vital aspect of life, I was in for a lot …

At the Center of the Wheel of Life

The wheel of life goes around, and if you are centered at the hub of your own true self, it is a relatively smooth ride.  But if you are riding the rim — well — you have some pretty big …

Work Your Truth

As I meditated today, asking what to share with you this week, I was told to ask you to work your truth.  The implication of this is that now is a time to let the universe know you are sincere …

New World Ego

Hi Ascending Friends!

The latest new thing in the ascension process that I have seen is what I call the new world ego!  As a healer and ascension worker, identifying this aspect of our ascension process has allowed me to …

The Ascension River

From the One Source of Life their flows an energy of unconditional love and Holy Spirit, which is the raw material out of which the new world is being built.  This energy brings healing and forgiveness in an act of …