Winter Solstice Ascension

To carry Spirit’s light to world-winter night

Strives blissfully the impulse of my heart,

That shining seeds of soul

Take root in grounds of worlds,

And Word of God in senses’ darkness

Resounds, transfiguring all being.

~Rudolf Steiner Calendar of

Breaking Out!

Life requires huge steps in new directions, during this passage of  ascension!  Here are some ways to break out of old world habits, and birth a new freedom of self-identity.

Those of you familiar with my work, may believe that …


Higher Self, mind, emotion and body….integration….getting it all together – ascension is all about that!

Have you ever watched a child or young animal grow over time?  It is amusing to notice how they go to bed looking one way, …

Summer Inspiration

Hello Ascending Friends!

The energy on the planet, during the summer, calls us into a greater fluidity and freedom of spirit.  It causes our souls to expand, beyond the structures of our ego and will.  In a state of spiritual …

Shining Seeds of Soul

Hello Ascending Friends!

It is almost Winter Solstice, which to me is the most exciting time of year.  The way the light of our souls and the stars and planets shine in the darkness of the season is spectacular to …