Unconditional Love and the Election

Here is my World Ascension Worker’s Guide to Voting for the New World!

The United States is 60%+ new world at this point.  That is hugely different than during the last election, when we were about 15% new world.*  This …

Nature Ascending

I had three amazing encounters with ascending nature this week!

My dreaming became lucid one morning when something exceptionally light and fluffy tickled my cheek.  I had been talking to someone in my dream, and just saw something out of …

How to Heal Our Bodies

Pain is a messenger.  For most people it might be saying – go see your doctor!  But for people on the path of healing and ascension it calls us to wake up in areas where we have been blocked and …

Lunar Eclipse – Ascended Masters

Tuesday’s lunar eclipse was a gift of healing and ascension!  The world energy felt like a huge pressure on me that afternoon until I remembered to work with the eclipse.  Thankfully I had time because the changes that were happening …