Update into Harmony

There is a middle step on the stairway of ascension which I call an update.  It generally happens in areas which we might consider weaknesses.  Strangely enough in this instance those actually benefit us!

Where we are weak in body, …

Physical Ascension/Transformation

Ascension isn’t only a spiritual unity with Higher Self, it is a physical transformation that allows Higher Self to live within the created physical universe.

It is this physical transformation which holds the final key to unity.  Our instinctual physical …

Welcoming Your Greater Gifts

Ascension moves us toward wholeness where the fruits of many lifetimes become available to us like never before.  But how do we step out of our habits of limitation in order to embrace that greater potential?

I am pleased to …

Ascending $ & War – A Powerful Vision of Oneness

Dear Ascending Friends,

It is with joy that I sit down to share with you what I am experiencing through the ascension of our world.  Today I was asked to work with bringing healing and hope into the experience of …

At the Center of the Wheel of Life

Dear Ascending Friends,

The changing affairs of life are represented in a lovely, graphic fashion in the tarot card called The Wheel of Life. It shows a wheel of many spokes with faces in each pie shaped section, each face …