How to Thrive During Transformation

People are undergoing transformational cycles in their bodies, emotions, minds and souls caused by the journey of ascension on Earth.  This is like having your house under construction where rooms are unavailable for use.  As with your outer house, you …

Losing Illusions / Recovering Hope

For many it has been a struggle to maintain a hopeful attitude during these trying times. Perhaps we need to set a new standard for what hope in the future would mean because hope in illusions is something we need …

Peace on Earth

Here at the beginning of fall, the new world Earth is manifesting about three times stronger than it was in the spring this year.  And you may recall that in the spring I commented how much stronger it was than …

Resistances & Preferences

In recent weeks I have spent a lot of time working with national and international concerns and the ascension process.  As always I have sought to understand the purpose behind events relative to the journey of ascension.  And as is …

Your New World Experience

Strengthening your new world experience is easy to do and brings relief, relaxation and joy to your life.  You will love living more fully in the new world even during this transition period!

During my walk yesterday I was impressed …