Owning the New World

I awoke this morning with a vision of our old world selves in transition. We were flickering like an old reel to reel movie, skipping and jumping in and out of focus.  While we have made great strides in ascension, …

Unconditional Love and the Election

Here is my World Ascension Worker’s Guide to Voting for the New World!

The United States is 60%+ new world at this point.  That is hugely different than during the last election, when we were about 15% new world.*  This …

Messages from Florida

The love of enlightenment can shine through any life form on earth when their soul has ascended.  It is wonderfully joyful to meet this level of intelligence and love as it manifests uniquely through different ones.  My February visit in …

Telepathy, Trees and Nature Spirits

Here are some stories from my past which didn’t make it into Riding the Wave of Change.  Trees are some of my best friends and I have had some remarkable experiences with them.  And nature spirits…well they are always uniquely …