Earth Changes

I received a message this morning that the next seven days will see some earth changes which will initiate a major shift up in ascension for the planet and all of us who inhabit her.  I spent some time inquiring if there were things that could or should be done to help this release happen with minimal trauma and was able to smooth things down a bit.

The Divine Being who brought me this message felt very positive about these shifts up, which is typical of that level of Higher Intelligence that weaves reality into being.  For them these shifts are a reward for our readiness to enter a higher level of being and not something to be feared.  I try to adopt this attitude myself and remind myself that we are all eternal, safe and unbreakable, even our Mother Earth.  All the physical things are like clothing and get shed when it is time for a new wardrobe, so to speak.

Ascension is calling us home to our true selves, reminding us that we are eternal spirit and not to be identified with the temporary forms of life.  As we ascend everything becomes more spiritual, and spirit can change forms at will without having to destruct the old forms like we are doing currently; as we release the old-world structures which have been built out of denser stuff. There is a new, more spiritual world already manifesting as the old stuff passes away.

So whatever forms these earth changes take this time, I encourage you to try to remember what is really happening is good, though it looks bad.  Try to remember not to judge or blame anyone or anything, but to honor that these things are helping us to shift up to our new world reality, to welcome our new wardrobes of light, love, wholeness, joy and co-creation with Higher Intelligence and Love.

For those who would like to empower your journey of ascension, my new E-Store on my website has mini-classes as MP3s that you can purchase for just $15.  Here is a quote from someone who did:

“I just downloaded and listened to the spirit animal MP3 from your website. What a beautiful experience that was!  I am filled with love and gratitude.  My spirit animal is now the hawk ??.”

(She was referring to the Power Animal Journey min-class)

Let’s celebrate together the birth of the new world on planet Earth!  Like all births there is and will be travail – an old-fashioned term for birth pains.  When you hear about them or experience them, open your heart and give thanks, asking that the birth happen as easily as it can, while still bringing our new world into being as a healthy new life.

Blessings and Love, Eve

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