Let the Love Be Here

Wherever we are, whatever is happening there, however we feel about it the truth of everything is love.  Unconditional love is the essence of all creation and is always present to be drawn upon.  Doing so may be the deciding factor in our experience and the outcome of our actions.

It is a conundrum from the ego standpoint that we can be feeling hateful but still choose love.  But we are not our human ego, we are divine, eternal, safe and unbreakable.  Inviting unconditional love to be present within our own ego reactions is powerful medicine.  It acknowledges who we are and shifts us into our new world focus.  From that focus we can self-comfort the part of us that is in a lower emotional and mental state and find a way to respond to life as a co-creator with God (by whatever name you like to use for that Oneness which exists within all creation and beyond it too).

It is essential to realize that unconditional love is different than our love of preferences.  Unconditional love does not require things to please us, it is an absolute state of being part of the Oneness.  Therefore, something can be quite uncomfortable for us, we can be reacting to it, but the unconditional love which is our true self can come into that experience and help us shift up to our true selves.  From that true identity we act in partnership with the higher intelligence of Oneness which knows how everything can work out for the greatest good.  Our choice to let the love be here opens the door for that intelligent Oneness to act within our lives and world.

The old world experience is decidedly less supportive, more frustrating, less fun, more limiting and generally not as desirable as it was even just a year ago, and exponentially more than the year before that.  Living with this we have two choices, we can live in our old world ego reactions, or we can identify with the love that we are eternally and step up to the new world experience.  In fact, motivating us toward that upward choice is the reason the old world is becoming less and less functional and supportive – this period was designed long ago, knowing we would need help letting go of our familiar ways.  I have been writing about the dissolution of the old world for many years now, and I believe it is becoming increasingly obvious why.  Isn’t it great that there is somewhere to go beyond the crumbling infrastructure of the old world experience?

The simplest and most important step in shifting consciousness to the new world; where life is becoming more supportive and where we can be successful in ways that fulfill us more than anything we have known so far, is to let the love be here in each moment.  Unconditional love is the defining essence of the new world experience.  We can’t be there 100% yet because we have to grow into this new experience.  As we do that, we help uplift the world into this new state.  One powerful way to do that is to always let the love be present.  Welcome it into the fear, anxiety, frustration, loneliness, limitation, judgment, illness or whatever you may be experiencing of the old world.  Let the love be present between you and others who may be living or acting out in negative ways.  Also, within your finances and job situations.  Everything!

When you let the love focus a higher intelligence into your choices and actions in each moment things can unfold in the best way possible for that time, place, people and circumstance.  You will probably be pleasantly surprised at how things work out ultimately better than you could have imagined they would.  This is co-creation with God – or our Higher Selves which are one with that Oneness of all things.

Join me in this meditation:

Let the Love Be Here

Let’s repeat it throughout our days and nights to help us stand strong in our truth and co-create a better life for all of us in the new world experience.

Blessings and love to you dear friends, Eve

You can do even more to strengthen the new world, to heal and ascend when you join us for Healing & Ascension Monthlies beginning June 25.  For more information visit my website, or to enroll you can email me directly evew@spiritualhealers.com . To learn about ascension and the new world see my book – Riding the Wave of Change – Hope, Healing & Spiritual Growth for Our World.

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Jeanette Farley
Jeanette Farley
3 years ago

I am so glad that I came back to this blog at this time – the words hit upon something right now that fits so well, better than two and a half months ago. I guess back then I was still enjoying the quieter pace of things, and lately I’d experienced dissatisfaction, and here your words reminded me of the simple shift needed.
I started searching back through your weekly words because in talking with Evelyn she was very much interested in your montra to use in times of anxiety or fear ( … you are only God, you cannot hurt me, but make me stronger, thankyou for being my teacher …) and I wanted to find that blog to refer her to it. I did find it, way back in April, and along the way found other inspiration.
Thank you.